20 CAE (C1) Listening Practice Tests with answer keys, tapescripts and explanations. Complete a test and get a score (out of 210) and your CAE Listening grade. Practice online, print or save tests in PDF. These listening tests are made to make self-preparation easier.
If you want to take tests home for offline use (save them in PDF or print them) have a look at the page with print-friendly CAE Listening tests.
To learn more about the tricks and techniques to help you score higher, check CAE Listening article, which explains this part of the exam and gives some advice on how to approach the task.

CAE Listening Practice Test 1
The old, print-friendly test CAE Listening Part 1 You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer ...

CAE Listening Practice Test 2
The old, print-friendly test CAE Listening Part 1 You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer ...

CAE Listening Practice Test 3
The old, print-friendly test CAE Listening Part 1 You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer ...

CAE Listening Practice Test 4
The old, print-friendly test CAE Listening Part 1 You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer ...

CAE Listening Practice Test 5
The old, print-friendly test CAE Listening Part 1 You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer ...

CAE Listening Practice Test 6
The old, print-friendly test CAE Listening Part 1 You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer ...

CAE Listening Practice Test 7
The old, print-friendly test CAE Listening Part 1 You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer ...

CAE Listening Practice Test 8
The old, print-friendly test CAE Listening Part 1 You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer ...

CAE Listening Practice Test 9
The old, print-friendly test CAE Listening Part 1 You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer ...

CAE Listening Practice Test 10
The old, print-friendly test CAE Listening Part 1 You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer ...

CAE Listening Practice Test 11
The old, print-friendly test CAE Listening Part 1 You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer ...

CAE Listening Practice Test 12
The old, print-friendly test CAE Listening Part 1 You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer ...

CAE Listening Practice Test 13
The old, print-friendly test CAE Listening Part 1 You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer ...

CAE Listening Practice Test 14
The old, print-friendly test CAE Listening Part 1 You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer ...

CAE Listening Practice Test 15
The old, print-friendly test CAE Listening Part 1 You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer ...

CAE Listening Practice Test 16
The old, print-friendly test CAE Listening Part 1 You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer ...

CAE Listening Practice Test 17
The old, print-friendly test CAE Listening Part 1 You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer ...

CAE Listening Practice Test 18
The old, print-friendly test CAE Listening Part 1 You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer ...

CAE Listening Practice Test 19
The old, print-friendly test CAE Listening Part 1 You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer ...

CAE Listening Practice Test 20
The old, print-friendly test CAE Listening Part 1 You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer ...
very grateful for these exercises, they were a big help, I wish I can have them in a pen drive, thanks a lot.
Thanks for this free entertainment, I’m very grateful too, that’s a good preparation for CAE exam, wish it’ll do on the 19th of may !!!
Thanks a lot. They’re really useful
Thanks a lot for these! Good luck Corinne for your exam. Mine is on 2nd June
It was very useful very much! Thank you very much indeed! The last two were harder for me because they are faster and they don’t have tapescripts. Initially, I was encouraged by my good results, but the two last tests have shown me my real level. irinazykova2013@gmail.com
Irina, don’t get discouraged by occasional mistakes. CAE Listening tests can vary in difficulty, and it is only natural to get different results throughout the tests. Remember — the more you practice, the better your results get — that’s inevitable. Good luck and thanks for your feedback!
Guys, your exercises are amazing, really helpful. Really hope to get C1, I practice with your tasks every day.
Please, post the tapescript of test number 9 and 10, underlining the sentences that give the informations to choose the correct answer. It is very helpful since in my case, I look for all the words that I don´t know in the dictionary, and sometimes I realize that I know some words but I don´t recognize them when pronounced.
In adittion, would be great if you upload more listening test, because is very hard to find test on the Internet, specially with a good interface and with answers and tapescript. The quality of the exercises and the audio are fantastic.
Thanks and I hope you take on account my request!
Hi! I noticed a couple of mistakes in your Listening Practice Tests.
The first one is in Test 8 part 4 (29. Speaker 4). My answer was “C” and it labeled it as wrong, but when I go to “Answer keys” it says that the correct one is C!
The second mistake I noticed is in Listening Practice Test 4, part 4. The tasks are in disaccordance with the listening and the answers. It says:
For questions 21-25, choose from the list A-H the problem each person encounters. Instead, it should be: each speakers occupation.
For questions 26-30, choose from the list A-H each person’s current feeling. It should be: each speaker’s aim for the future.
For both tasks the answers are correct though.
Apart from these two mistakes, I wanted to thank you for uploading these files and exercises for us, so we can practice and improve our marks on the day of the exam 🙂
Svetlana, thank you very much for your input! I have corrected the inaccuracies you’ve listed. I can’t stress enough the importance of your feedback. Oh, and good luck with your CAE exam!
Thanks a lot for sharing this material with us. It has been an enormous help!
I have a question, though. Is the test scored by a computer? The reason I’m asking this is because a student, in one of her answers, put ‘ages’ instead of ‘group ages’; and the answer was marked as wrong. Then she asked me if in the test she would get no points at all even if her answer was very close to the right-marked answer.
Thanks a lot for you help! Sorry about my English, I’m still learning.
Hello Ruth, hope you’re having a great day!
I believe you are referring to CAE Listening Practice Test 7, Part 2. In CAE Listening you get 1 point for each correct answer – in all four parts. Naturally there are no half points, so if you get it slightly wrong you do not score a point. Some of the answer give you a certain freedom, like in question eight from the same test: student and university student are both acceptable.
Now to the difference between ‘ages’ and ‘age groups’ from the task – you should not change the word you hear in the recording. Here is the extract in question: But in the USA, skydiving is a hobby that has been taken up by people from all age groups. As you can see, answering ‘ages’ would mean changing the original phrasing. Even though grammatically it is perfectly fine to say ‘people from all ages’, it is always preferable to stick to the original way.
I hope I made things more clear to you! Oh, and your English is perfect, I wouldn’t worry about it 😉
Hi, I believe the first question in Practice test 11 is wrong, because it is excatly the same of Practice test 10
Thanks a lot for sharing this material!
Thanks for pointing this out, Daniel! Fixed
Hey, so I just wanted to say THANK YOU. This website is perfect and right now I’m preparing to take my CAE exams that will be next month. This is the only place where I found more than just 1 or 2 different tests, it’s really helpful, thank you again.
Thank you for your kind words, Miona 🙂
Hello, I would like to ask you about something: in the practice test 10, part 2, gap 10, the answer that you said was correct is: “gloves”. But when I was reading the tape script, I saw this: “Use a mild detergent or a wetsuit-specific soap in warm water to wash your suit, and especially your boots and gloves regularly “.
Could you clarify why the answer is not “boots and gloves” and it’s just “gloves”? 🙂
thank you very much for all the listening training. I has been very useful for me and I would like to know if you are going to add more CAE tests as I noticed that there are more IELTS tests, which is really great. Again thank you very much for all the help in this difficult year as I was forced to teach online and It was a great help to keep my students interested.
Hello, Sandra
Currently there are no plans to expand CAE Practice Test session, however I will be looking into it in January. Thanks for your interest in engexam.info!
Hello, can you check Listening 15, first exercise? It marked all my answer wrong but the Answer Key says otherwise. Thank you
Hello, Lenka! I’ve just checked it and it marked 6/6 as correct. You might get question mark prompts for questions 1,2 an 4, but they still register as answered correctly. Could you tell me what browser you use so I could troubleshoot this problem further?
I deeply appreciate your listening exercises. Just a moment ago, I received my CAE results and I maxed in the listening part. I am writing this to express my gratitude towards the person behind this website.
Thank you!!!
Way to go, Max! Congratulations! 🙂
Hi, are you sure that ansew in listening 4, part 3 are all right? thank you so much for your help!
Hello there, thanks for pointing that out! Indeed, we had to revise two of the answers.
I´m very grateful for these interactive listening materials. Thank you very much! It´s a huge help!
Hello! I found what seems to be mistake on the part 4 of CAE Listening Practice Test 18. The section from the right part is equal to the section from the left part.
Thanks Jose, fixed that!:)
Hello! First of all, thank you very much for developing this website, it is very useful for CAE preparation.
However, I would like to ask you why in Listening – Test 9 Part 2, the following answers are not correct (the correct ones are in brackets):
10 – By using a locking mechanism in its shoulder (shoulders) the albatross can save energy when flying.
14 – Tim gives the example of cigarette lighters (bottle caps/bottle tops) as plastic objects commonly eaten by albatrosses.
Thank you very much!
Fixed and thanks for pointing that out!:)
this page has been greatly helpful in preparing CAE. Thanks!!
this website is the most helpful. good luck
Hi, could someone please confrim me if all the listening tasks are CAE level, because I´ve done a few of them and strangely enough I found some of them to be easier than others. Provided someone could lend me a helping hand I would much appreciate it!
Hello Santi. These are the official tests that you could see in the actual CAE exam. It is common for them to vary in difficulty slightly. Also keep in mind that as you practice it becomes easier for you to deal with these tests!
Hi, is this difficulty corresponding to the actual CAE listening?
Hello Mateusz. I have answered this question a bit earlier, so I’ll just copy-paste it here: “These are the official tests that you could see in the actual CAE exam. It is common for them to vary in difficulty slightly. Also keep in mind that as you practice it becomes easier for you to deal with these tests!”
Hello! I’d like to thank you for these exercises, it’s a great help having so many of them in one place.
I have a question about Listening 7 part 2. “Two thousand” was counted as a wrong answer, but the correct one was “2000”. Is this just because of automatic checking or something that actually wouldn’t be accepted in the exam? I’m sure it was spelled correctly…
Hello Kasia, glad you find these tests useful! It is much more common to use digits for any numbers after nine. I can’t say for sure whether they would accept ‘two thousand’ as a correct answer, even though grammatically it is fine. I would recommend using digits to save time and avoid possible spelling mistakes 🙂
Hi! These test are very useful. However, I wrote the correct option in the gaps ,such as ” Arabic” and ” Feathers” but they were counted as wrong.
Hello, Camila. I’ve just checked and it works for me. Could you try it from a different device or using a different browser and report back please?
Hi! I really love the tests, but I’ve run into a problem. I completed the first listening test with one mistake, and your website replied that my result is 31/30, which equals 179 points or grade B2. This is, of course, complete nonsense, so please try to fix that. I can also send you a screenshot via Gmail.
Hey Matvei, thanks for the heads up! The problem was that in Part 2 some questions have 2 gaps and the system would register each gap as giving one point, so as a result you got more than the possible maximum of points and the system didn’t really know how to process that. We will fix that shortly.