FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 20

Click here to take Test #20, FCE Use of English Part 4

FCE Use of English Part 4

For questions 1-10, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

0 I hate having potatoes for breakfast
Potatoes are MY LEAST FAVOURITE food to have for breakfast.

1. I spend most of the time learning the guitar.
Most of learning the guitar.

2. I have to deliver this package before the shipment leaves the shop.
This package the shop before the shipment leaves.

3. I am not sure why I chose accounting as my career path.
I why I chose accounting as my career path.

4. “Do you mind helping me with the TV?” Marcia asked.
Marcia with the TV.

5. Our city is known for its Olympic-sized stadium.
Olympic-sized stadium known for.

6. Rick is quicker on his bike than Jonathan.
Jonathan is Rick.

7. You don’t need to change the oil in your car so often.
There the oil in your car so often.

8. Sarah did not know about her husband had an affair with the housemaid.
Sarah was that her husband had an affair with the housemaid.

9. The weather here is very similar to my home country.
The weather here is as in my home country.

10. They say that sunbathing increases the risk of skin diseases.
Sunbathing the risk of skin diseases.

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For this task: Answers with explanations

FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 19

Click to take Test 19, FCE Use of English Part 4

FCE Use of English Part 4

For questions 1-10, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

0 I hate having potatoes for breakfast
Potatoes are MY LEAST FAVOURITE food to have for breakfast.

1. Our family planned to visit this country next year.
Our family this country next year..

2. One has to do this project before tomorrow.
The project has before tomorrow.

3. Lucy accidentally met her ex-boyfriend during a skiing trip.
Lucy her ex-boyfriend during a skiing trip.

4. I don’t think we are going to have rain tomorrow.
We rain tomorrow.

5. These math problems were too difficult for me.
I found these math problems with.

6. The meeting had to be cancelled for a number of reasons.
The meeting had for a number of reasons.

7. Be careful, as there are many poisonous snakes in this part of the woods.
Be poisonous snakes in this part of the woods.

8. That film was more boring than we had expected.
That film was we had expected.

9. If you cannot guarantee my safety, I will not join you.
I will not join you my safety.

10. There won’t be any phones of this model available until next week.
Phones of this model until next week.

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For this task: Answers with explanations

FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 18

Click to take Test 18 of FCE Use of English Part 4

FCE Use of English Part 4

For questions 1-10, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

0 I hate having potatoes for breakfast
Potatoes are MY LEAST FAVOURITE food to have for breakfast.

1. I am sorry I didn’t see your performance live.
I your performance live.

2. The meeting was much better than we had expected.
The meetings was we had expected.

3. Jim really disappointed his parents with the exam results.
Jim really with the exam results.

4. We still haven’t found a solution to this problem.
We a solution to this problem.

5. I have never seen such a beautiful sunset.
This is the such a beautiful sunset.

6. “Please mind your step” said the gatekeeper.
I was by the gatekeeper.

7. I needed to think of a good excuse to skip school.
In needed to a good excuse to skip school.

8. In this country people take their shoes off when at home.
People in this country take their shoes off when at home.

9. Jeremy was unsure if he should take that offer.
Jeremy that offer.

10. Yesterday I visited a friend and also did a washing up.
Yesterday I did a washing up a friend.

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For this task: Answers with explanations

FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 17

FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 17 with answers and explanations

FCE Use of English Part 4

For questions 1-10, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

0 I hate having potatoes for breakfast
Potatoes are MY LEAST FAVOURITE food to have for breakfast.

1. We didn’t expect you to arrive so early.
We didn’t so early.

2. I can’t get to work on time without my car.
I to get to work on time.

3. Nancy was sure that you would come to the party.
Nancy would come to the party.

4. The shop gave me a discount as a compensation for the inconvenience.
The shop gave me a discount the inconvenience.

5. “You will miss your flight if you don’t hurry” my brother said.
My brother said that miss my flight.

6. They plan to renovate the city centre next year.
The city centre next year.

7. “Did you see the memo from yesterday?” my boss asked me.
My boss asked the memo from the day before.

8. We all have a lot of respect for our coach.
We all our coach.

9. As soon as I received the message I replied to it.
I replied I received it.

10. There is almost no time to finish the essay.
There is left to finish the essay.

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For this task: Answers with explanations

FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 16

FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 16. Included are answer keys and explanations. Download this test in PDF!

FCE Use of English Part 4

For questions 1-10, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

0 I hate having potatoes for breakfast
Potatoes are MY LEAST FAVOURITE food to have for breakfast.

1. Bob and Marie seem to have a good relationship.
Bob and Marie with one another.

2. “I will need you both to help me with this” said Sandra.
Sandra said that she to help her with that.

3. They told us not to buy that plot of land.
We buying that plot of land.

4. Children nowadays prefer superhero movies to cartoons.
Children nowadays than cartoons.

5. The weather was much better than predicted.
The weather as predicted.

6. Matt should consider improving his command of English.
Matt should consider command of English.

7. The train should arrive any minute now.
The train any minute now.

8. “You had to hand in this paper two days ago” said the professor.
The professor said I had to hand in yesterday.

9. Our teacher promised to take us on a field trip next summer.
Our teacher take us on a field trip next summer.

10. Stefani came to deal with the computer problem I’m having.
Stefani came to I’m having.

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For this task: Answers with explanations

FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 15

FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 15 with answers and the PDF version of the test

FCE Use of English Part 4

For questions 1-10, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

0 I hate having potatoes for breakfast
Potatoes are MY LEAST FAVOURITE food to have for breakfast.

1. We spend four days moving all the furniture into the new flat.
It move all the furniture into the new flat.

2. Liam was too slow and missed the morning train.
Liam catch the morning train.

3. My mother was the only one to come to the party.
Nobody came my mother.

4. “Don’t come close to me” the stranger told me.
The stranger to him.

5. She said that she succeeded because of sheer luck.
She sheer luck.

6. “Do you have any questions?” asked Jan.
Jan wanted any questions.

7. We don’t know for sure if they have met before.
It they have met before.

8. His family hasn’t heard the news yet.
His family the news.

9. When do you expect Charles to return?
When back?

10. He began studying two months ago.
He two months.

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For this task: Answers with explanations

FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 14

FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 14 with answer keys and downloadable PDF version of the test

FCE Use of English Part 4

For questions 1-10, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

0 I hate having potatoes for breakfast
Potatoes are MY LEAST FAVOURITE food to have for breakfast.

1. “I am sorry I interrupted your conversation” Giorgio said.
Giorgio conversation.

2. Please keep in mind that you will be charged for the service as well as the food.
Please you will be charged for the service as well as the food.

3. I never realised that they were twins.
It they were twins.

4. They had to cancel the meeting because some senior managers couldn’t make there in time.
The meeting had because some senior managers couldn’t make there in time.

5. The elevator didn’t work so we had to use the stairs to get to the seventh floor.
The elevator so we had to use the stairs to get to the seventh floor.

6. Even though Rob tried his best, he came second in the race.
Rob came second in the race his best.

7. I will help you with the project if you promise to study harder next year.
I will help you with the project you promise to study harder next year.

8. “Be careful, there is a storm coming from the sea” said the old lady.
The old lady a storm coming from the sea.

9. He drew my attention to my most serious mistakes.
He most serious mistakes.

10. You always leave the most difficult tasks until later.
You always most difficult tasks.

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For this task: Answers with explanations

FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 13

FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 13 with commented answer keys. Can be saved in PDF!

FCE Use of English Part 4

For questions 1-10, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

0 I hate having potatoes for breakfast
Potatoes are MY LEAST FAVOURITE food to have for breakfast.

1. We have never had such an exciting trip before.
This is the most had.

2. In the end, we changed our decision about buying the boat.
In the end, we the boat.

3. Can you still draw well?
Are draw well?

4. All I wanted was to escape this place.
All I wanted was to this place.

5. There was plenty of food for everyone at the party.
There was for everyone at the party.

6. “Have you ever though about retiring?” asked Suze.
Suze wanted to know if retirement.

7. I expected more from the meeting.
I the meeting.

8. I have never been to this city before.
This is this city.

9. She decided to donate most of the money to various charities.
She the money to various charities.

10. Richard is much less experienced than Dan.
Dan experience than Richard.

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For this task: Answers with explanations

FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 12

FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 12 with answers and a downloadable PDF version

FCE Use of English Part 4

For questions 1-10, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

0 I hate having potatoes for breakfast
Potatoes are MY LEAST FAVOURITE food to have for breakfast.

1. Because I wanted to get scholarship at university, I had to study hard.
I had to study hard scholarship at university.

2. I refused their promotion offer for personal reasons.
For personal reasons, down.

3. Mother told me to finish eating all the potatoes before I could get dessert.
Mother told me to before I could get dessert.

4. We occasionally meet at this pub.
We meet at this pub time.

5. I used to go to the cinema every Tuesday when I was in college.
When I was in college I every Tuesday.

6. My camera broke down on my first day of vacation.
My camera on my first day of vacation.

7. I wanted to see the sea this summer
I the sea this summer.

8. Grandmother often asks me to read the newspaper aloud for her.
Grandmother often asks me to for her.

9. “You may enter the room” said Mary.
Mary the room.

10. It took me a year to wake up easily in the morning.
It took me a year to easily in the morning.

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For this task: Answers with explanations

FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 11

FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 11 with answers and downloadable PDF version

FCE Use of English Part 4

For questions 1-10, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

0 I hate having potatoes for breakfast
Potatoes are MY LEAST FAVOURITE food to have for breakfast.

1. When you drive fast, you endanger other motorists.
You when you drive fast.

2. We went to the same college and that’s why we became good friends.
I wouldn’t have become good friends with him to the same college.

3. “I can lend you some money if you like” Josh said.
Josh some money.

4. My shyness makes it difficult for me to meet new people.
My shyness new people easily.

5. I didn’t expect him to know math so well.
His a surprise to me.

6. I offered him 100 dollars for the book.
I 100 dollars for the book.

7. The kids should really go to bed now.
It’s to bed now.

8. The fireworks could be heard exploding from a mile away.
I could hear from a mile away..

9. Mary managed to convince me not to quit the job.
Mary managed to the job.

10. I found it difficult to reach the train station.
I had the train station.

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