FCE Use of English 2 Archives - EngExam.info

FCE Use of English Part 2, Japazz

Click here to take Test 17, FCE Use of English Part 2

Part 2

For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). In the exam, write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

Example: ELSE


Did you know that Japan has more jazz fans than anywhere 0 _____ in the world? The genre first appeared in Japan 9 in 1910s, brought by Filipino musicians, 10 played jazz on cruise ships that sailed across the Altantic. As the Philippines was an American colony at the time, local music was heavily influenced 11 American culture. From there on, it went on to win over the hearts of music enthusiasts in Japan.

Jazz in Japan had its first crisis during World War 2. 12 the country’s attempts to ban jazz in these troubled times 13 the grounds that it was the music of the enemy, it still remained quite popular. It would get played secretly in underground cafes or at private sessions. The officials went as far as 14 mandate the destruction of jazz records in music shops to enforce the ban more effectively.

Overall, popularity of jazz in the country has led to a number of cultural phenomena. One of them is dedicated cafes where only jazz records are played. Some of these places even prohibit 15 a conversation, to help its visitors fully enjoy the music 16 any distraction. It also spawned a number of sub-genres, like fusion jazz, free jazz and bebop.

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FCE Use of English Part 2, Training a cat

Click to take Test 16, FCE Use of English Part 2

Part 2

For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). In the exam, write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

Example: AMONG

Training a cat

A commonly held idea 0 _____ people is that cats are difficult, or even impossible, to train a cat. They are believed to be too proud or independent, and they respond poorly to 9 attempts at teaching them something, so this indeed might be a bigger challenge 10 training a dog. Is there any particular technique worth knowing?

Training a cat is not much 11 from training any other animal, whether it is a dog or a bird. The most important aspect is so-called positive reinforcement – if your cat performs the action you want them 12 , you should give them a treat – a bite of their favourite food will do. Another tip is to keep your training sessions fairly brief, as cats have a rather short attention span and 13 they get easily distracted. Ultimately, no training will be successful 14 patience from you, so be ready to repeat the same thing over and over until your pet establishes a pattern.

One good example is litter training. Most cats are usually smart 15 to do their business in the litter box without having to be taught to do so. If they haven’t figured this 16 themselves, you can put them in the litter box after they have eaten and pet them lightly.

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FCE Use of English Part 2, Fishing in Florida Keys

Take test 15 of FCE Use of English Part 2

Part 2

For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). In the exam, write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

Example: TO

Fishing in Florida Keys

Florida Keys is a large group of islands conveniently located 0 _____ the north of the Florida Reef. The coral reef is home to all kinds 9 sea creatures, including many species of fish. The latter is what attracts fishing enthusiasts from all across the globe. Additionally, the subtropical climate means that fishing is possible almost all 10 round with no particularly bad months.

Another advantage of its warmer climate is the biological variety of the region. This particular site is quite well-known for fish 11 trout, red snapper, and the famous tarpon, also known as the Silver King. Visitors are advised to keep in 12 that certain species of fish should be set 13 if caught, as they are protected by local regulations. Failing to do 14 will get you fined.

You can 15 bring your own fishing gear or rent all the necessary equipment when you arrive. The accommodation options vary to fit all budgets, but be prepared to pay slightly more than you normally would. Finally, everybody 16 the age of 16 has to purchase a fishing license, while younger fishing enthusiasts do not require one.

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FCE Use of English Part 2, Surfing

Click here to take Test 14 of FCE Use of English Part 2

Part 2

For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). In the exam, write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

Example: WITHIN


Did you know that almost half of Earth’s population lives 0 _____ kilometers from the sea? If you are one of those lucky 9 , then you are likely to have at some point in your life considered taking 10 surfing. But what exactly is surfing, anyway?

To put it simply, surfing involves riding on a special board along with a wave that carries you forward. The main idea is to stay on the board, which is pushed 11 the force of the wave, without losing balance and falling off. People usually do this as a fun activity rather than a competitive one; however, nowadays it is even recognized 12 an Olympic sport. There are many competitions 13 worldwide, both for amateurs and seasoned surfers. Interestingly, surfing is likely to be the 14 sport to ever exist, with scientific evidence suggesting that it dates back several thousand years.

The surfing community is very friendly and welcoming to newcomers. Moreover, all you need to get 15 surfing is the board itself, which can be bought second-hand for as little as $10. So if you haven’t tried it 16 yet, I’d definitely recommend doing so.

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FCE Use of English Part 2, Brewing our own beer

Click here to take Test 13 of FCE Use of English Part 2

Part 2

For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). In the exam, write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

Example: FOR

Brewing our own beer

My friend Matt and I run a small soft drink store in our town. We did a fair share of market research and it turned out that there was a huge demand 0 _____ home-made beer and other fermented drinks like cider. Moreover, since the target audience was willing to pay more, we could set 9 prices. As we had planned to expand our business, this seemed to be the most logical evolution.

The major part of our budget went 10 buying everything necessary to brew our own drinks. What we didn’t know 11 that marketing expenses can sometimes exceed all others. Finding the right place with enough 12 to fit all the equipment proved to be a challenge as well. 13 first, we were looking for a place in the city. Then we realised that we could move production out of town, and this task became much 14 .

Once we had the brewery going, the problem of distribution arose. At the time, Matt was the only person who could drive a delivery truck, so until we found a replacement for him, he had to work without days 15 for almost a month. Thankfully, eventually the right guy turned 16 , which meant that we could finally focus on the managerial aspect of our business.

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FCE Use of English Part 2, Birdwatching

Click here to take Test 12 of FCE Use of English Part 2

Part 2

For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). In the exam, write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

Example: NAME


A hobby that is getting increasingly popular nowadays, birdwatching is the practice of, as its 0 _____ suggests, observing birds. It exists in many forms – 9 simply looking at birds, to identifying them, trying to find rare ones, recognizing them by the 10 they sing and so on. Many bird-watchers keep record 11 the avian species they have seen throughout their birdwatching “careers”.

Some people 12 this hobby more seriously than others. It is not rare for a seasoned bird-watcher to travel to a different city or even country to witness a particular bird in 13 , as seeing them in a picture is not considered to be a genuine experience. They are also keen to track down bird seasonal migration, observe their interactions with other species. There is also a division between having seen the bird and 14 it sing. There is a generally held idea that the former is more important than the latter.

All of this might sound very complex and, 15 , off-putting. However, the activity can be as simple as trying to spot a bird. You can start in your 16 backyard – there is no need to travel half across the globe to truly experience the joy of watching birds!

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FCE Use of English Part 2, Moving out of the city

Click here to take Test 11 of FCE Use of English Part 2

Part 2

For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). In the exam, write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

Example: HAD

Moving out of the city

When I was ten, my family decided that they have 0 _____ enough of living in the city, and moved to the countryside. The decision was almost spontaneous – we sold our flat and finished moving all during the summer school break. Four days and six roundtrips with a van full of our stuff was all it took to change our lives. But we needed much more time to get used 9 all the new things.

The biggest change was probably not having anyone living above or 10 you, like you normally would in a flat. This meant that we were free to make as 11 noise as we wanted without bothering anyone. For the first time ever, it felt nice not to be a nuisance to our neighbours. We also had a large piece of land all to 12 where we could play, not to mention that 13 noise and pollution were much lower here compared to the busy urban areas.

All these advantages, 14 , came with certain responsibilities. We had to cut grass, look 15 the house and generally keep the area well-maintained without depending on the city services. Still, our father believed that it was a small price to 16 for all the comforts of living an admittedly much more comfortable, fulfilling life in the country.

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FCE Use of English Part 2, Pet shelter

Click here to take Test 10 of FCE Use of English Part 2

Part 2

For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). In the exam, write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

Example: BY

Pet shelter

Like any other large city, ours has a serious problem of pets getting abandoned 0 _____ their owners. My friend Francis and I decided to take the matter in our own 9 and open a pet shelter. What we do 10 we give these pets a place to stay, food, medical care such as vaccines, and ultimately, try to help them find a new home. The latter is what we strive for, and it usually takes about a month for a pet to 11 adopted.

We largely rely 12 generousity of others in the form of various donations, as 13 as any kind of help. Our entire staff is made up of volunteers who dedicate their free time to help keep the place going. Thankfully, there is never any shortage 14 people willing to help us out. Their duties 15 feeding the animals, cleaning their cages and trays, and even letting them stay at their own places.

The entire project wouldn’t even exist if it wasn’t for a thing of chance. Our mutual friend was looking to rent out her rather large basement on the outskirts of the city. She was really struggling to find somebody who would want it, as it would need renovating to turn it into a commercial property. She was about to 16 up when we offered to use it for a good cause. Thankfully, she was more than happy to agree.

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FCE Use of English Part 2, Sleep Inertia

FCE Use of English Part 2, Test 9 - Sleep Inertia. Answer keys with useful explanations

Part 2

For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). In the exam, write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

Example: FIND

Sleep Inertia

If you 0 _____ it difficult to wake up in the morning, then you are not alone. This state, called ‘sleep intertia’, is what you experience when you don’t feel 9 getting out of bed right after awakening. There are a number of possible reasons 10 this condition. One common situation is when you go to bed at a different time every day. Inconsistent sleep schedule prevents your mind and body 11 getting enough rest. Another possible problem is skipping breakfast. As it is the most important meal 12 the day, not having it seriously affects your mood and energy levels. You know this subconsciously, and that is why you do not feel like getting up.

There is also a group of people who are more comfortable staying up longer at night. Normally referred 13 as night owls, they might feel especially reluctant to wake up in the morning hours. For these people, it is often advised to plan their lives 14 their unusual sleeping habits in mind. This makes 15 falling asleep and waking up more effortless. It goes without saying that not everybody can 16 to sleep when they please, but for some, it is the only option to get enough shut-eye to feel prepared for the day ahead.

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FCE Use of English Part 2, Festival of Speed

FCE Use of English Part 2, Test 8 - Goodwood Festival of Speed

Part 2

For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). In the exam, write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

Example: TO

Goodwood Festival of Speed

Every year, car enthusiast come 0 ______ West Sussex for what is acknowledged 9 one of the greatest events car culture has to offer: Goodwood Festival of Speed. As the name of this gathering suggests, participants compete 10 showing the best time on a short race track. Race and road cars, both old and new, try to set the best time within their class. Because of the breakneck speeds, occasional crashes are 11 unheard of. There is also an exhibition of iconic vehicles if racing is not 12 thing.

You can see everything the event has for a reasonable admission fee 13 50 pounds. This, 14 , does not include a parking fee, unless you happen to drive some exotic vehicle. In this case, you will 15 given exclusive access to a premium parking lot next to the paddock. Visitors are also encouraged to pitch a tent at the camping site, as the festival is usually four days long. If you are seeking a more comfortable experience, hotel reservations are available with a selection of rooms to suit even the 16 demanding customers.

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