IELTS, CAE and FCE Practice Tests with explanations
IELTS and CAE Practice Tests

IELTS, CAE and FCE Practice Tests

Here you can find free IELTS, CAE and FCE practice tests for Listening, Reading and Use of English sections that you can download as PDF, print or do online. Answer keys have explanations and a short vocabulary list. practice test system is designed with self-preparation. The PDF versions are more suitable for class handouts, as supplementary materials, or as pen and paper test practice.

IELTS Practice tests

IELTS Listening Practice Tests :: Printable PDF 
IELTS Reading Practice Tests :: Printable PDF
IELTS Writing Topics
IELTS Writing Samples


CAE (C1) practice tests

CAE Reading and Use of English Practice Tests :: Printable PDF :: C1 Use of English Exercises
CAE Listening Practice Tests :: Printable PDF
CAE Speaking Part 1 Examples
CAE Speaking Part 2 Examples
CAE Speaking Part 3 Examples


FCE (B2) practice tests

FCE Listening Practice Tests :: Printable PDF
FCE Reading and Use of English Practice Tests :: Printable PDF
FCE Speaking Part 2 Examples

Additional practice materials
FCE Use of English exercises (Part 1, Part 2, Part 4)

105 thoughts on “IELTS, CAE and FCE Practice Tests”

  1. In section 3 of IELTS “Practice Listening test 4” the correct answers (to 21&22) A and E are marked as incorrect ones.

  2. Thanks for the opprtunity to prepare for the exam.
    Would you be so kind to publish Answer Keys for FCE Reading and Use of English Practice Test 7? The link is incorrect.

  3. Keep up the good work. So many books and sources are out there and still can’t quite compete with your website.

  4. Hello,
    FCE listening 12, in the text about “Museum director”, in question 10 if I write just “lighting” or “lights” it points out that answer is incorrect. Maybe it needs to be an “or” operation instead of “/”.

  5. Hello, Mariam!
    Thank you for pointing that out! For some reason I had “lightning” set as one of the correct answers. You know, the bright beams of electricity that go zap during thuderstorms 🙂 However, “lights” does work for me as a correct answer.

  6. Hi dear,

    We are an online English academy that would love to use your listening audio files for one of our courses. We would like to know if could use them. We can add links to your webpage if you want to.


  7. Hello Jordi!
    Feel free to use the materials or refer to them – I just want to clarify that they do not belong to me, most of them were produced by folks at Cambridge 🙂

  8. Hi, thanks for the info.
    I was checking in his website and the terms of use weren’t clear so I wasn’t sure if I can use them.

  9. Hey , I wanted to know if you have FCE writinh tests here for practising, and if so, Do u know anyone who could correct them , because I have an exam of Thrusday and I really need to practice my writing skills

  10. Hello,. I’m having some problems. I’m doing the IELTS academic reading practice test, the online ones and when I finish the questions I press CHECK YOUR ANSWERS. Then I compare it with the answers from the answer sheet. The problem is that my answers are exactly like the ones from the sheet but it says to me that my answers are not correct.
    Is this a problem with the website or mine?
    thanks everyone

  11. Hi,
    I did the FCE Reading and Use of English Practice Test 1, and even though my result was 63/70, it tells me that “Your current Listening performance is not good enough to get a FCE certificate”.
    Out of curiosity, I tried to redo the test by entering all the correct answers, but it keeps saying that my result is insufficient. Furthermore, listening performance is mentioned while the test was about reading and use of English.

  12. Hi, I’m Marcos Catana. I wrote a comment last week about the mark checking. It’s happening In all the reading tests and it’s happening now with the listening test as well.
    Thanks for your reply

  13. Marcos, I have manually checked every single Reading Practice Test and the correct answers are registered as they should be. I will look into the listening part as well. Presently I’m not sure what could be causing this problem on your end.

  14. Hey, I was recently practising Key word Transformation ( part 4 ,use of english Fce) and I noticed that even though I wrote the correct answers, the page keeps telling me that they are wrong, so I can’t get the accurate mark at the practice test. Do you have any idea of what the problem might be?

  15. Amelia, could you please specify the test numbers where the problem occurs so that I could look into it?

  16. Thanks for your feedback, Amelia. I have gone through each Part 4 test – there seemed to be a slight error in treating contractions (e.g. “didn`t” and “didn’t” weren’t treated the same, the latter would normally be seen as a mistake – I have fixed that now). There was another code inaccuracy in Test 3 that prevent correct answers to be registered, I have fixed that as well. Hopefully I have addressed all the faults for now 🙂

  17. In section 7 of FCE “Reading ad Use of English Practice Test”, test 2, number 43 and 50 show an uncorrect explanation

  18. In part 1 of FCE “Reading and Use of English Practice Test”, test 3, number 1 is badly written while number 3, “carried, is marked as uncorrect but it isn’t

  19. In FCE “Reading and Use of English Practice Test”, test 5, part 4 I can’t press the check-answer button

  20. In Part 4 of FCE “Reading and Use of English Practice Test 2”, number 26: is “buy everything apart from” also correct?

  21. In part 4 of FCE “Reading and Use of English Practice Test”, test 6, number 27, the right answer is marked as uncorrect

  22. In part 4 of FCE “Reading and Use of English Practice Test”, test 8, number 29, the right answer is marked as uncorrect.Moreover, in number 26, is “old” necessary?

  23. In part 4 of FCE “Reading and Use of English Practice Test”, test 9, number 27, the right answer is marked as uncorrect

  24. Hello, Alejandro. Currently, we have no such plans as these don’t seem to be in much demand. We might look into this later though!

  25. Hi,
    First of all, thanks so much for sharing this material. It is a hugely useful resource for myself and my students. Lately though we notice that the links on the Practice Tests tab to IELTS, FCE and CAE (the coloured ones) are no longer working. To access the tests we are having to click in roundabout ways to access the tests. Can you help?

  26. Hello,
    I cannot access to the Practice Tests. Is there anyone here who is having the same problem?

    Thank you very much,

  27. Thanks for pointing that out! We have resolved the issue, we tested it and seems to be working fine. Please let us know of any further issues!

  28. This site rocks! Thank you so much. I have used FCE, CAE and IELTS and if you had others I would use them too!!!!


  29. Thanks, the perfect website for training exams.
    Unfortunately, I found a mistake in FCE listening practice test 10, part 3. Speaker 1 – 19 correct answer is F: realising the importance of starting young. As tooltip also correctly show F, but marks it in red as a mistake. Correctly marks for E, which is wrong.

  30. Hello, on practise test 4 part 2 for CAE reading and use of English it marks number 9 and 15 as wrong even though my answer matches the solution.

  31. Hello, do you mean the text titled World Book Day? Both 9 and 15 work fine for me. Could you tell me the browser you used for that so I could test it again?

  32. Hello, in most CAE Listening and Reading practice tests the check answers button doesn’t work. Thanks for the attention.

  33. Thanks for bringing this up! Could you specify if you use a computer or a mobile phone to access them? What browser do you use? And please give us some links to tests that do not work for you? Thanks again 🙂

  34. Thanks for your feedback, Rocco. What kind of problems are you having? Do the pages simply not open? Could you please be more specific? Thanks in advance!

  35. The problem is that when I press the Check Answers button in some or all of the parts of many tests nothing is showed so that I can’t understand if I entered the right answers.

  36. Thanks for clearing that, Rocco. Our coding guy is back now and we’re currently looking into this.

  37. Hello Sorin, we haven’t been looking into implementing that yet, sorry! We might consider it though

  38. Thanks Mede. I have corrected the answers in the system. It still shows question marks for prompts when you get the answer right, I’m currently trying to figure that one out 🙂

  39. Hi, I was wondering where the Reading & Use of English tests are, and by that I mean the remaining 16 since only the first 14 seem to be available for now. Where did they go?

  40. Hi there, Gerard! I don’t think we’ve ever had any Reading & Use of English tests past 14. We are working on new ones though, there will be at least two new ones by the end of next week!

  41. I really like this link. It helps me to learn and improve my English skills. Although I’m Vietnamese people, I just want to learn for 24 hours.:)))) Thanks deeply for this English website.

  42. I’m from sweden, and I believe this is a good website to practice. It must have been hard to create this activities.

    Jag har studerat engelska här, dessutom har jag nått den nivå jag behöver på att lyssna 🙂

  43. I can’t download the Audio for Listening Practice because the audio was covered black and no preference for download.

  44. Hi, I’m letting you know that the Reading & Use of English test 10 can’t be downloaded since there’s no option to do so. Tests 16 & 17 are the same when you try to download them.

  45. Hi, just writing to let you know that the printable option for FCE 16 reading and use of english test is wrong as it downloads test 17. Also, will there be an option to download tests 21-24? Thank you

  46. Hello Sara, thanks for pointing that out! I’ll sort it out as soon as I get a chance. Tests 21-24 will be added by the end of the month!

  47. Hey, in CAE reading and use of english practice test 4, question 34 says that the answer is “D” but the explanation says that answer D is wrong.

  48. So, in FCE-listening-test-4 part 3, the audio said “Choose from the list A-F” but the text said A-H and also the audio said “There is one extra letter you do not need to use” but the text said there are three extras letters you do not need to use. So, would you mind checking it?

  49. Thanks for pointing that out, we will fix it shortly. Apparently, these are from the older tests, so we will do our best to replace them with the most recent ones.

  50. Hello, I have a question about the FCE grades. Just did an Use of English and Reading practice and got C, is that a good enough grade to pass the exam? Or do I need more?

  51. Hello Beatriz! Grade C is enough to get the FCE certificate, which comes at Grade C, B, and A. The grade of the certificate itself is the average score of Reading, Use of English, Speaking, Writing, and Listening. Even if you get C in all five aspects, you still get the certificate.

  52. I appreciate your input. There is still a long way to go – finding and correcting all the little things that have accumulated over the years. I am currently the only person running this project, so doing this all by yourself tends to take a bit of time 🙂

  53. Just amazing… There is a little bit of everything! Congratulations not only on the content but also on all the effort that you have put into this website. It is definitely paying off! Many thanks.

  54. So, i found a mistakes in reading and use of english part 8. So, in part 3 of too many emails, numbers 20, 22 and 23 answer are incorrect even though it’s correct. Would you mind having a look? Thanks 🙂

  55. Hello, Susan! Thanks for the heads up! However, I have just checked 20 (unbearable), 22 (commercial) and 23 (enabling) and all worked for me! Please check that again – let me know if it still doesn’t work for you. Take a screenshot if possible so I could further look into that.

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