CAE Listening Practice Test 9 Printable and PDF version

CAE Listening Practice Test 9 Printable

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Part 1

You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, В or C) which fits best according to what you hear. There are two questions for each extract.

Extract One
You hear two people talking about their work as website designers.

1 How does the man feel about the work?
A He finds the creativity stimulating.
В He would like to use his academic training more.
C He gets most satisfaction from being part of a team.

2 What do they both think about the job?
A It’s a difficult career to get started in.
В It’s important to be able to work flexible hours.
C It’s a poorly paid job for the amount of work involved.

Extract Two
You hear two cyclists talking about their sport.

3 The man thinks his success as a cyclist is due to
A his complete dedication.
В the age at which he started.
C a series of great role models.

4 When talking about cycling in a velodrome, the woman reveals her
A fear of dangerous sports.
В inability to follow instructions.
C willingness to accept a challenge.

Extract Three
You hear a man called Roy talking about bees on a phone-in programme.

5 Why has he phoned the programme?
A to raise issues not previously discussed
В to challenge the opinions of other contributors
C to lend his support to a view that’s been expressed

6 When talking about gardens, he is
A describing what he does in his own
В encouraging people to grow certain things
C suggesting that people keep bees themselves

Part 2

You will hear a student called Tim Farnham giving a class presentation about a seabird called the albatross. For questions 7-14, complete the sentences.

The Albatross

Tim thinks that the name ‘albatross’ comes originally from a word in the 7 ________ language.
There are currently though to be a total of 8 ________ species of albatross.
The fact that it relies on 9 ________ explains why the albatross isn’t found in some areas.
By using a locking mechanism in its 10 ________ , the albatross can save energy when flying.
Tim explains that the albatross has a surprisingly good sense of 11 ________ .
Tim was surprised to discover that 12 ________ attack albatross nests.
The albatross used to be hunted mostly for its 13 ________ as well as for food.
Tim gives the example of 14 ________ as plastic objects commonly eaten by albatrosses.
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