Section 3
Questions 21 and 22
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO parts of the introductory stage to their art projects do Jess and Tom agree were useful?
A the Bird Park visit
B the workshop sessions
C the Natural History Museum visit
D the projects done in previous years
E the handouts with research sources
Questions 23 and 24
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
In which TWO ways do both Jess and Tom decide to change their proposals?
A by giving a rationale for their action plans
B by being less specific about the outcome
C by adding a video diary presentation
D by providing a timeline and a mind map
E by making their notes more evaluative
Questions 25-30
Which personal meaning do the students decide to give to each of the following pictures?
Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-H, next to Questions 25-30.
Personal meanings
A a childhood memory
B hope for the future
C fast movement
D a potential threat
E the power of colour
F the continuity of life
G protection of nature
H a confused attitude to nature
25 Falcon (Landseer)
26 Fish hawk (Audubon)
27 Kingfisher (van Gogh)
28 Portrait of William Wells
29 Vairumati (Gauguin)
30 Portrait of Giovanni de Medici
Section 4
Questions 31-40
Complete the notes below.
Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer
Stoicism is still relevant today because of its 31 ______ appeal.
Ancient Stoics
• Stoicism was founded over 2,000 years ago in Greece.
• The Stoics’ ideas are surprisingly well known, despite not being intended
for 32 ______
Stoic principles
• Happiness could be achieved by leading a virtuous life.
• Controlling emotions was essential.
• Epictetus said that external events cannot be controlled but the
33 ______ people make in response can be controlled.
• A Stoic is someone who has a different view on experiences which others would
consider as 34 ______
The influence of Stoicism
• George Washington organised a 35 ______ about Cato to motivate his men.
• The French artist Delacroix was a Stoic.
• Adam Smith’s ideas on 36 ______ were influenced by Stoicism.
• Some of today’s political leaders are inspired by the Stoics.
• Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
– the treatment for 37 ______ is based on ideas from Stoicism
– people learn to base their thinking on 38 ______
• In business, people benefit from Stoicism by identifying obstacles as 39 ______
Relevance of Stoicism
• It requires a lot of 40 ______ but Stoicism can help people to lead a good life.
• It teaches people that having a strong character is more important than anything else.
Answer Keys
Listening Section 1 1. egg 2. tower 3. car 4. animals 5. bridge 6. movie/film 7. decorate 8. Wednesdays 9. Fradstone 10. parking | Listening Section 2 11. C 12. A 13. B 14. C 15. H 16. C 17. G 18. B 19. I 20. A |
Listening Section 3 21&22 C, E 23&24 B, E 25. D 26. C 27. A 28. H 29. F 30. G | Listening Section 4 31. practical 32. publication 33. choices 34. negative 35. play 36. capitalism 37. depression 38. logic 39. opportunity 40. practice / practise |