FCE Reading and Use of English Practice Test 19 - EngExam.info
FCE Reading and Use of English Test 19 with answer keys, explanations and vocabulary

FCE Reading and Use of English Practice Test 19

Part 1

For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (А, В, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).


A purchaseВ achieveC investD earn

Tips for making your own short film

These days it’s easy to make a film. You don’t need to 0 _____ expensive equipment, you can simply use your mobile phone. Start by 1 up with a good idea. You can 2 out lists of ideas online to give you inspiration. A good script can make all the difference so before filming, your script should become the 3 of your time. Keep it simple and 4 on developing one character well in the short time you have.

Select appropriate venues for filming. Avoid places where you’ll be 5 by people who turn and stare at the camera.

Make sure there’s nothing unusual in the 6 to distract from what the main actor’s doing. And make sure the light is right. You want to give the 7 of depth, not have strange shadows covering the actor’s face. Finally, when you’ve finished filming and edited your work, show it to friends and get some feedback. No film-maker can 8 in the film industry without that.

For this task: Answers with explanations :: Vocabulary