A collection of articles dedicated to various aspects of English vocabulary

Best English Dictionaries
A good English dictionary is the first thing you'll need to prepare for your exam. Your vocabulary becomes extremely important ...

How to increase vocabulary
To have good vocabulary is probably the most important thing in spoken and written English. To know the right word ...

Formal and Informal Vocabulary
This entry is about differences in vocabulary of formal and informal styles. For general differences, see this article. Both formal ...

Intensifiers or synonyms to “very”
To give stronger meaning to an expression you use a word called an intensifier — like "very". To make your speech ...

Formal and Informal English
There are two registers in English — formal and informal. Formal language is more common for official speeches, writing, academic texts ...

English language collocations
Collocations are words that combine well together, making set phrases. "Do your homework", "a brief period", "a bunch of flowers" — ...
The Misspelled: Difficult English Words
Spelling in English can be hard. A misspelled word often ruins the impression of your writing. Wrong spelling in your ...
I am a language teacher and I had to take the CAE due to work reasons. I am really grateful for your website!
Besides few errors in the system it is really well done and it was more than helpful!
I passed the exam thanks to you!
I inarguably recommend this page 😉
Thanks for your kind words, Adriano! I’m glad these materials proved to be of help 🙂
I am an experienced (23 years) English language teacher in Spain, always on the lookout for FC Exam practice tests for my students. Thanks very much for this resource.
Paul in sunny Barcelona
Thanks Paul, I’m really happy to hear that!
Hi there, I love your web site. But where do I find all the answer keys for the mock up tests? For e.g. CAE tests.
Hello Steve! The answer keys can be found on the last page or using the link at the top/bottom of the first page
Huge amount of work and materials:))) Absolutely brilliant! Thank you so so much!
Oh I think the page is absolutely wonderful!❤️
Hi! Thank you very much for your big help.
I have a question on your practise tests for CAE CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH . Are your tests here rather easier, or harder than the real ones?
When I have about 70 percent with your tests, does it mean that I may expect the same result with the real ones?
Have a nice day:)
Hi there Steven, glad you enjoy the tests. They are more or less the same difficulty you can expect to see in the tests of your CAE exam, so you should be good to go if 70% is what you’re aiming for 😉