This section is dedicated to various English exam tips and techniques. It will also hold various articles that do not belong to any particular exam and are useful for any test-taker.

Which versus That: Relative Clauses
Choosing between 'which' and 'that' isn't always intuitive. It all comes down to whether you're using a defining or non-defining clause. It sounds a bit confusing, it is explained in ...

Best English Dictionaries
A good English dictionary is the first thing you'll need to prepare for your exam. Your vocabulary becomes extremely important in Speaking and Writing sections of IELTS (or CAE). Reading ...

IELTS self-study — pros and cons
The main question when preparing for your IELTS exam is whether to self-study or seek help of a teacher. Both self-preparation and studying with tutors are viable ways to get ...

Improve Your English: 7 Easy Steps
Do you think you need to improve your English and you don't know where to begin? Here are 7 aspects of English that you could improve to speak and write with ...

6 Common Writing Mistakes
The Writing aspect of certification exams tends to be the most difficult of the four. Students scores are 10-15% lower than in the other aspects. To avoid making typical writing ...

5 Common Speaking Mistakes
There is nothing easier than going wrong with the Speaking section of your exam. There are many speaking mistakes that are too easy to make. Know these simple pitfalls to ...

IELTS Speaking Example (Band 7)
The best way to learn is to observe others and learn from their experience. We will be using this video of a woman (her name is Sawson) doing the IELTS ...

How to increase vocabulary
To have good vocabulary is probably the most important thing in spoken and written English. To know the right word at the right moment is important. In fact, it is ...

Articles in English
Today we cover the basic rules of using articles in English as well as the more advanced and less known cases of English articles. All the rules and exceptions come ...

Formal and Informal Vocabulary
This entry is about differences in vocabulary of formal and informal styles. For general differences, see this article. Both formal and informal vocabulary can be found in all spheres of ...
Could you please check the FCE Test 10,part 6? The option E is missing from the drop down list and for the others, even if I am filling the correct choice in text, it appears as incorrect.
Thank you!
Thanks for pointing this out, fixed!
Ando buscando audios de plagio pero no encuentro me puede ayudar, tengo un examen y es acerca de eso.
Hello Vany! I’m afraid we don’t have anything of the kind