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FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 13

FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 13 with commented answer keys. Can be saved in PDF!

FCE Use of English Part 4

For questions 1-10, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

0 I hate having potatoes for breakfast
Potatoes are MY LEAST FAVOURITE food to have for breakfast.

1. We have never had such an exciting trip before.
This is the most had.

2. In the end, we changed our decision about buying the boat.
In the end, we the boat.

3. Can you still draw well?
Are draw well?

4. All I wanted was to escape this place.
All I wanted was to this place.

5. There was plenty of food for everyone at the party.
There was for everyone at the party.

6. “Have you ever though about retiring?” asked Suze.
Suze wanted to know if retirement.

7. I expected more from the meeting.
I the meeting.

8. I have never been to this city before.
This is this city.

9. She decided to donate most of the money to various charities.
She the money to various charities.

10. Richard is much less experienced than Dan.
Dan experience than Richard.

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FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 12

FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 12 with answers and a downloadable PDF version

FCE Use of English Part 4

For questions 1-10, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

0 I hate having potatoes for breakfast
Potatoes are MY LEAST FAVOURITE food to have for breakfast.

1. Because I wanted to get scholarship at university, I had to study hard.
I had to study hard scholarship at university.

2. I refused their promotion offer for personal reasons.
For personal reasons, down.

3. Mother told me to finish eating all the potatoes before I could get dessert.
Mother told me to before I could get dessert.

4. We occasionally meet at this pub.
We meet at this pub time.

5. I used to go to the cinema every Tuesday when I was in college.
When I was in college I every Tuesday.

6. My camera broke down on my first day of vacation.
My camera on my first day of vacation.

7. I wanted to see the sea this summer
I the sea this summer.

8. Grandmother often asks me to read the newspaper aloud for her.
Grandmother often asks me to for her.

9. “You may enter the room” said Mary.
Mary the room.

10. It took me a year to wake up easily in the morning.
It took me a year to easily in the morning.

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FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 11

FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 11 with answers and downloadable PDF version

FCE Use of English Part 4

For questions 1-10, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

0 I hate having potatoes for breakfast
Potatoes are MY LEAST FAVOURITE food to have for breakfast.

1. When you drive fast, you endanger other motorists.
You when you drive fast.

2. We went to the same college and that’s why we became good friends.
I wouldn’t have become good friends with him to the same college.

3. “I can lend you some money if you like” Josh said.
Josh some money.

4. My shyness makes it difficult for me to meet new people.
My shyness new people easily.

5. I didn’t expect him to know math so well.
His a surprise to me.

6. I offered him 100 dollars for the book.
I 100 dollars for the book.

7. The kids should really go to bed now.
It’s to bed now.

8. The fireworks could be heard exploding from a mile away.
I could hear from a mile away..

9. Mary managed to convince me not to quit the job.
Mary managed to the job.

10. I found it difficult to reach the train station.
I had the train station.

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FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 10

FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 10 with answers, PDF version available

FCE Use of English Part 4

For questions 1-10, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

0 I hate having potatoes for breakfast
Potatoes are MY LEAST FAVOURITE food to have for breakfast.

1. I have last seen Simon a long time ago.
It since I last saw Simon.

2. Nothing prevents us from going on a trip right now.
Nothing us going on a trip right now.

3. Kevin doesn’t speak the local language too well.
Kevin’s is not too good.

4. Even though we were late to the party, we didn’t miss much.
In to the party, we didn’t miss much.

5. I train so much but I still feel anxious before every competition.
No I still fell anxious before every competition.

6. They promised to pay us on time.
We on time.

7. The only thing I want is to try this.
To have this is all I want.

8. “Call me when you get home” said Melinda.
Melinda asked me I got home.

9. Even though my salary is higher, I still have financial difficulties.
The didn’t help with my financial difficulties.

10. I was about to leave when the phone rang.
The phone rang when I was leaving.

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FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 9

FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 9 with answers and explanations

FCE Use of English Part 4

For questions 1-10, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

0 I hate having potatoes for breakfast
Potatoes are MY LEAST FAVOURITE food to have for breakfast.

1. The celebration will be held inside the building of a local museum.
The celebration inside the building of a local museum.

2. The rival team lost to us in the final round.
We in the final round.

3. The car was so expensive that we ended up not buying it.
The price of that we ended up not buying it.

4. Judy always finds it easy to talk to people she doesn’t know well.
Judy never to people she doesn’t know well.

5. The housemaid is going to vacuum the flat while we are out.
We are going to the housemaid while we are out.

6. There aren’t many similarities between me and Josh.
Josh has with me.

7. I doubt Michael is brave enough to join the navy.
I believe to join the navy.

8. Nobody mentioned the problem during the meeting.
During the meeting the problem.

9. “Come to my place for dinner tonight” he said.
He invited us dinner tonight.

10. We had almost no chances of catching the train.
We of catching the train.

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FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 8

FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 8 with answer keys and explanations

FCE Use of English Part 4

For questions 1-10, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

0 I hate having potatoes for breakfast
Potatoes are MY LEAST FAVOURITE food to have for breakfast.

1. ‘Do your friends like this place?’ asked the landlord.
The landlord liked that place.

2. We are pretty similar in our food preferences.
There isn’t food preferences.

3. We have almost no money left
We have almost money.

4. The jury asked me to describe what happened that night.
I was to describe what happened that night.

5. To everyone’s surprise, their new album was a great hit.
Nobody become a great hit.

6. The coach thinks he is not ready for the competition.
The coach is ready for the competition.

7. George promised he would handle the situation.
George he would handle the situation.

8. It took Jane two years to forget her boyfriend.
It took Jane two years her boyfriend.

9. Do you want to go dancing or to the movies?
Would dancing or to the movies?

10. The crime was prevented because the police arrived early enough.
The police the crime.

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FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 7

FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 7 with answers and helpful explanations

FCE Use of English Part 4

For questions 1-10, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

0 I hate having potatoes for breakfast
Potatoes are MY LEAST FAVOURITE food to have for breakfast.

1. Julia asked me to help her renovate the apartment.
Julia asked me to renovating the apartment.

2. I don’t think you should take part in that risky venture.
If not take part in that risky venture.

3. Our senior manager appointed me to this position.
I was our senior manager.

4. I expected Helen to marry John.
Helen’s decision to marry John to me.

5. “Don’t spend too much money on fast food” my mother said.
My mother spending too much money on fast food.

6. How much time do you need to get to our place?
How long to get to our place?.

7. You should fix your bicycle before going on this long trip.
You your bicycle before going on this long trip.

8. I am still struggling with the new accounting system.
I still the new accounting system.

9. Why do you still have that old TV?
Why haven’t that old TV yet?

10. George has an annoying habit of taking things that do not belong to him.
George things that do not belong to him.

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FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 6

FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 6 with answers and answer explanations

FCE Use of English Part 4

For questions 1-10, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

0 I hate having potatoes for breakfast
Potatoes are MY LEAST FAVOURITE food to have for breakfast.

1. I am going to pass the exams as long as I study hard for them.
I am going to pass the exams for them.

2. We received a hateful letter as an answer to our policy.
The to our policy was a hateful letter.

3. Angela asked us to talk about something else.
Angela wanted to to a different one.

4. Richard said that it would be great if we came to meet him at the airport.
Richard said he came to meet him at the airport.

5. This is the tool he invented before leaving the country.
This tool is before leaving the country.

6. I can’t understand his ideas at all.
His ideas at all.

7. In addition to your poor academic record you keep skipping classes.
You keep skipping classes, poor academic record.

8. I could really use an hour of sleep now.
I could an hour of sleep now.

9. I tend to trust people of his social status.
I people of his social status.

10. You can spend the night here if you promise to keep it down.
You can spend the night here keep it down.

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FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 5

FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 5 with answers and useful explanations

FCE Use of English Part 4

For questions 1-10, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

0 I hate having potatoes for breakfast
Potatoes are MY LEAST FAVOURITE food to have for breakfast.

1. Sarah is not going to help you with this matter.
Sarah you with this matter.

2. Many colleagues have a lot of respect for him because of his professionalism.
Many colleagues because of his professionalism.

3. I am just browsing your wares right now.
I am just your wares right now.

4. “Get a driving licence as soon as you can” my father told me.
My father a driving licence.

5. Linda criticised me for failing the exam.
Linda for failing the exam.

6. You should know all the exits in case there is a fire.
You should know all the exits a fire.

7. I wasn’t planning to go on a package tour for our vacation.
Package tour was not for our vacation.

8. You have to clean these shoes well before you can wear them.
These shoes are before you can wear them.

9. I used to cycle much more often when I was younger.
I don’t I did when I was younger.

10. Meteorologists say that the weather is going to improve.
The weather according to meteorologists.

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FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 4

FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 4 with answers and key explanations

FCE Use of English Part 4

For questions 1-10, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

0 I hate having potatoes for breakfast
Potatoes are MY LEAST FAVOURITE food to have for breakfast.

1. I wish I went to your party
I your party.

2. “How much money do they pay you” Michael asked me.
Michael they paid me.

3. She doesn’t usually come so early.
It come so early.

4. Teachers see Johan as the brightest student in the class.
Among teachers, Johan the brightest student in the class.

5. The current policy is very likely to change.
There are the current policy will change.

6. I can’t wait for the summer break.
I the summer break.

7. When I was younger, I used to spend more time outdoors.
I when I was younger.

8. She has no plans to join the competition this year.
She competition this year.

9. I support the idea that we join forces in this situation.
I forces in this situation.

10. You don’t have to do your homework today.
There your homework today.

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