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CAE Use of English Part 1, Test 6 – Columbus day

Click to take Test 6, CAE Use of English Part 1

For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (А, В, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).


A commemorate В remember C recall D hold

Columbus day

A holiday to 0 commemorate the day when Christopher Columbus reached the Bahamas, it is celebrated in north and south Americas 1 . Traditionally, it takes place on the second Monday of October.

The holiday is 2 by many government institutions, so they either have shortened business hours, or are closed 3 . The extent of celebrations and business operations change on a state-to-state 4 .

As for the celebration itself, it 5 from traditional dances to the finest examples of Italian cuisine. This might come as a surprise, but Columbus is an Italian, even though he was commanding a Spanish flotilia when he 6 the New World.

In recent years, 7 , a noticeable shift has occurred. The holiday itself is getting increasingly 8 with genocide of indigenous people during the colonization era. As a result of this, fewer states are now holding celebrations.

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CAE Use of English Part 1, Test 5 – Coffee and tea

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For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (А, В, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).


A substitute В change C difference D alternative

Coffee and tea

Coffee’s reputation is well-known. Allegedly, there is no 0 substitute for this beverage when it comes to sheer energizing power. A much lesser known fact is that tea, in fact, can pack a comparable 1 of keeping you eager and awake. Lower levels of caffeine in tea are 2 by other, much lesser known substances like theophylline and L-theanine. Both 3 as stimulants for your brain, achieving an experience similar to what you get from coffee. You become more alert, aware, and are overall quick on your 4 .

Both drinks are 5 in antioxidants – special bodies that help 6 us from so-called free radicals. These can be a cause of many diseases, and the extent of their damage can go as 7 as damaging one’s DNA. As for the benefits, 8 evidence suggests it can even make you live longer, although any real research is yet to confirm this.

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CAE Use of English Part 1, Test 4 – Your own hours

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For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (А, В, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).


A over В across C with D out

Your own hours

Business is all about optimization. Top management is well aware that productivity is key, and that is why companies all 0 over the world are constantly experimenting with ways to 1 it up. Evidence 2 that allowing employees to choose when to come and leave work has proved to be one of the more effective tools.

There is a list of benefits this approach provides. Employees can now plan around other things in life, so their careers are no longer in the way of their personal lives. It also improves staff morale – they get to beat the traffic, as able to choose to commute during less 3 hours. And did I mention that not every single one of us is a morning 4 ?

Naturally, it all comes at a 5 . To name one, meetings can be tricky to organise as everybody’s work hours get 6 over the entire day. This effectively forces upper management to spend more time and 7 on planning and arranging. One thing is for certain – giving your employees more freedom definitely pays off in the long 8 .

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CAE Use of English Part 1, Test 3 – Yellow, orange, red

Click to take Test 3, CAE Use of English Part 1

For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (А, В, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).


A between В apart C away D out

Yellow, orange, red

It is September, warm days are getting few and far 0 _____, you can’t help thinking about winter that is soon going to take 1 . Inevitably, one of the things you can’t 2 but notice is tree leaves turning orange and yellow. So why exactly do they do that?

It is easy to guess that the process is somehow tied to day length. With days getting shorter, trees get less sunshine and eventually the 3 of leaf senescence begins. Simply 4 , it is when trees shed their foliage, as they no longer have much use for it. Keeping the leaves would mean spending 5 amounts of energy for little return. Chlorophyll, key element in photosynthesis, stops replenishing. Instead, what is left of it gets absorbed for nutrients.

Chlorophyll also acts as the green pigment found in leaves. Interestingly, both orange and yellow colours are always present in the leaves, but are 6 by the stronger green pigmentation. Once it disappears, autumn colours manifest themselves. Instead, they focus on preserving the energy and nutrients 7 during the summer months. This 8 to parks and forests turning into a bright ensemble of yellow.

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CAE Use of English Part 1, Test 2 – Cold climate

Click to take Test 2 of CAE Use of English Part 1

For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (А, В, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).


A go В take C have D pick

Cold climate

The common notion has always been that living in warmer climates is the choice to 0 go with. However, if you think of it, living in less welcoming climates can have its 1 .

To start with, colder regions also mean that much fewer insect species make it 2 harsh winter. Effectively, only the most 3 ones can survive in cold climate zones. You don’t get as many bigger insects, such as tarantulas or dangerous mosquitoes. Other dangerous animals like venomous snakes are unlikely to be a concern either.

Severe conditions are also known to 4 character. 5 , a person from northern parts of the world is usually more adapted to whatever challenges their life 6 at them. It makes sense if you keep in mind the weather conditions they have to endure, especially when growing up.

Moreover, 7 seasonality makes you appreciate summer more – not to mention you get to see the magnificent autumn colours – the reds and the yellows. Warmer climates usually cannot boast such variety. Therefore, all 8 considered, living in the colder part of the world might be just as good as anywhere else.

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CAE Use of English Part 1, Test 1 – A tune to love (or hate)

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For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (А, В, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).


A face В see C look D observe

A tune to love (or hate)

Love it or hate it, you have to 0 face the fact that most of us have to wake up in the morning 1 . According to recent data, eight out of ten people find waking up to be the least pleasant thing about working. It all comes 2 to so-called sleep inertia, when both our mind and body are reluctant to move between the states of sleep and awakeness.

One way to make getting up just a little bit more 3 is to use a tune you enjoy listening to as the alarm. An upbeat, energetic piece of music starts playing, and, before 4 , you get out of bed to get a 5 on the day ahead.

Be 6 that even your most favourite piece of music might soon become 7 with the unpleasant experience. Some suggest that changing the alarm clock tune from time to time could 8 linking it with the sensation of forced awakening.

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