54 IELTS Speaking questions for Part 2 and 3 in PDF with model answers and useful vocabulary. The vocabulary is highlighted and has definitions with examples to help you score higher in your IELTS Speaking part. Don’t forget that Part 2 and 3 have similar topics so we have grouped them for your convenience.

IELTS Speaking topic – Friends and family #1
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a childhood friend you have lost touch with You should say:
- where you met
- how you spent time together
- what you liked about your friend

IELTS Speaking topic – Job and career #1
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a profession one of your relatives has You should say:
- what their profession is
- the duties they have
- how long they have had it

IELTS Speaking topic – Hobbies and free time #1
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about a hobby you had but no longer have You should say:
- what the hobby was
- how you got interested in it
- how long you have been engaged in it

IELTS Speaking topic – Home and hometown #1
This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about the town you were born in You should say:
- where it is
- if it is famous for anything
- whether you still live there

IELTS Speaking topic – Transport #1
This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a time when your journey didn't go as planned You should say:
- where you went
- when it happened
- what form of transport you used

IELTS Speaking topic – Nature and the environment #1
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a memorable visit to a park or the countryside. You should say:
- where it was
- who you went with
- what you did there

IELTS Speaking topic – Studying #1
This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a difficult test or exam you had to take You should say:
- what was it for
- what was the subject
- how you did in this test or exam

IELTS Speaking topic – Arts #1
This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a visit to a museum or a gallery that you didn't enjoy You should say:
- what was the place
- who you went with
- what kind of exhibits it had

IELTS Speaking topic – Modern problems #1
This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about a problem your town or city faced You should say:
- what the problem was
- what was done to solve it
- if the solution was effective

IELTS Speaking topic – Travelling #1
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about a country or a city you would like to visit. You should say:
- what the city or country is
- how long you wanted to go there
- why you want to visit it

IELTS Speaking topic – City and the country #1
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about a time when you had to live in the countryside. You should say:
- where it was
- how much you lived there
- what you liked about it

IELTS Speaking topic – Weather and climate #1
This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe an unusually hot or cold season in your country. You should say:
- what season it was
- how long it lasted
- how you coped with the extreme temperature

IELTS Speaking topic – Holidays and celebrations #1
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about a celebration in your country. You should say:
- the name of the celebration
- how people celebrate it
- if it is known outside of your country

IELTS Speaking topic – Food and cuisine #1
This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about a time you had a meal at a café or a restaurant. You should say:
- what the place was
- the meal you had
- whether you enjoyed it

IELTS Speaking topic – Animals and pets #1
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about a time when you met a wild animal You should say:
- how old you were
- what the animal was
- how it reacted to you

IELTS Speaking topic – Technology and progress #1
This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about a gadget or a piece of technology that you heavily rely on You should say:
- what it is
- what do you use it for
- how long you have been using it

IELTS Speaking topic – Health and well-being #1
This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe an exercise or a sports routine that you do to stay fit You should say:
- what it involves
- how long you have been doing it
- what health benefits it provides

IELTS Speaking topic – Money and shopping #1
This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about a purchase you were unhappy with You should say:
- what you bought
- where you bought it
- why you were unhappy with the purchase

IELTS Speaking topic – Transport #2
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about a memorable car journey You should say:
- when it took place
- if you were alone or with other people
- what was memorable about it

IELTS Speaking topic – Home and hometown #2
This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about a place in your town or city you often visit You should say:
- what the place is
- where it is located
- why you visit it

IELTS Speaking topic – Hobbies and free time #2
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about a hobby a member of your family has You should say:
- who the family member is
- what hobby they have
- how they got interested in it

IELTS Speaking topic – Job and career #2
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about a career opportunity you had You should say:
- what the opportunity was
- how you felt about it
- if you used the opportunity

IELTS Speaking topic – Studying #2
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about a school subject or activity you didn't enjoy You should say:
- what it was
- the reason you didn't enjoy it
- how you felt about taking part in it

IELTS Speaking topic – Art (Movies)
This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about a movie or a cartoon popular in your country You should say:
- what it is called
- how long is it
- what happens in it

IELTS Speaking topic – Modern problems #2
This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about a time you wasted at a public office You should say:
- what the place was
- why you had to spend a lot of time
- how much time you wasted

IELTS Speaking topic – Friends and family #2
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about a relative that you respect You should say:
- who the relative is
- what they do
- why you respect them

IELTS Speaking topic – Nature and the environment #3
This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe an environmental issue that you are concerned about. You should say:
- what the issue is
- how it affects the environment
- what can be done to address the issue

IELTS Speaking topic – Modern problems #3
This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a modern environmental issue that concerns you. You should say:
- what the issue is
- what causes it
- how it affects the environment

IELTS Speaking topic – Travelling #2
This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a place you visited that had a major impact on you. You should say:
- what the place was
- when you went there
- what was special about it

IELTS Speaking topic – City and the country #2
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a city you have lived in or visited. You should say:
- what city it was
- the reason you visited or lived there
- what you liked about it

IELTS Speaking topic – Weather and climate #2
This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a childhood memory of a weather phenomena. You should say:
- how old you were
- what was the weather phenomenon
- what made you remember it

IELTS Speaking topic – Holidays and celebrations #2
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a holiday or celebration that you have attended and enjoyed. You should say:
- what was celebrated
- where it was celebrated
- who you celebrated it with

IELTS Speaking topic – Food and cuisine #2
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a traditional dish from your country that you personally enjoy eating. You should say:
- the name of the dish
- what ingredients are used to make it
- why you enjoy it

IELTS Speaking topic – Animals and pets #2
This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about an animal associated with your country You should say:
- what the animal is
- how popular the animal is in your country
- why it is associated with your country

IELTS Speaking topic – Art (Movies) #2
This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about a movie you rewatch often You should say:
- the name and the genre of the movie
- what it is about
- what you like about it

IELTS Speaking topic – Nature and the environment #2
This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe an environmental initiative your city or country had You should say:
- when it was
- what was the initiative
- whether it was effective

IELTS Speaking topic – Technology and progress #2
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about a piece of technology that is no longer used You should say:
- what it is
- how long it has not been used
- why you think it is not used anymore

IELTS Speaking topic – Health and well-being #2
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a time when you felt younger or older than you actually were. You should say:
- when and where it was
- what you think made you feel that way
- how long the feeling lasted

IELTS Speaking topic – Money and shopping #2
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a time when you spent a lot of money on something. You should say:
- when and where it was
- what it was
- why you decided to spend money on it

IELTS Speaking topic – Friends and family #3
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about a friendly or family gathering that happens regularly You should say:
- what the occasion is
- how often does it happen
- what usually happens during this gathering

IELTS Speaking topic – Job and career #3
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about an occupation someone you know has that is well-paid You should say:
- who the person is and how you know them
- what they do
- if you think they enjoy it

IELTS Speaking topic – Hobbies and free time #3
This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about a hobby that is popular in your country You should say:
- what the hobby is
- how long it has been popular
- what kind of people it is popular with

IELTS Speaking topic – Home and hometown #3
This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a house or an apartment you had to stay in temporarily You should say:
- what the place was
- how long and why you had to stay there
- if there was anything unusual about it

IELTS Speaking topic – Transport #3
le This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about a plane flight that was unexpectedly good or bad You should say:
- where were you flying to
- who was with you
- what was particularly good or bad about the flight

IELTS Speaking topic – Studying #3
This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about a teacher who has had a significant impact on your life You should say:
- what was the teacher like
- what subject they taught
- how they had an impact on you

IELTS Speaking topic – Travelling #3
This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a trip that presented a challenge to you. You should say:
- where you were going to
- what kind of challenge it was
- how you dealt with it

IELTS Speaking topic – City and the country #3
This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a notable building or house in your city. You should say:
- where it is located
- what it is
- what is notable about it

IELTS Speaking topic – Weather and climate #3
This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a climate in a country you would like to visit. You should say:
- what this country is
- what kind of climate it has
- how this climate might affect life in that country

IELTS Speaking topic – Holidays and celebrations #3
This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about a celebration that is associated with a particular season You should say:
- what the celebration is
- when it takes place
- how it is celebrated

IELTS Speaking topic – Food and cuisine #3
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about an eating habit you or somebody you know has You should say:
- what the habit is
- how long they've had it
- where they got it from

IELTS Speaking topic – Animals and pets #3
This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a pet you or somebody you know has You should say:
- what the pet is
- how long you or somebody else have had it
- if there is special about it

IELTS Speaking topic – Technology and progress #3
This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about a gadget you used a lot when you were a child You should say:
- what the gadget was
- how you got it
- why you used it a lot

IELTS Speaking topic – Health and well-being #3
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a time when you had to take care of someone who was sick or injured You should say:
- what was wrong with their health
- how you had to take care of them
- how long you did that for

IELTS Speaking topic – Money and shopping #3
This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about a shop that you come to often You should say:
- how you found out about it
- what the shop sells
- what kind of people go there