Section 3
Questions 21-24
Label the chart below.
Choose your answers from the box below and write the correct letters in boxes 21-24 on
your answer sheet
A relationship/marriage
B emancipation
C need for freedom
D studies
E conflict with parents
F pressure from parents
G new job
H need for space and privacy
I abuse
Questions 25-29
Which student will present which information?
A Melanie
B Chris
C Both
Write the correct letter, A, B, or C, in boxes 26-29 on your answer sheet.
25 the 18-20 group _____
26 the 20-24 group _____
27 the under-18 group _____
28 the 25 and over group _____
29 the group that still live with parents _____
Question 30
Which graph shows what problems people who moved out of their parents’ house faced in their first few months living alone?
Section 4
Questions 31-33
What are the THREE WAYS in which turbellaria differ from other flatworms, according to Dr Baker?
A they are not parasitic
B 80% of their nutrition comes from platyhelminths
C they have a simpler structure
D they’re less intelligent
E they have eyes
F their sensory system is more elaborate
G their sensory organs are chemical
Questions 34-38
Complete the sentences below.
34 Turbellaria are able to _____ thanks to the structure of their bodies.
35 Any part of a turbellarian’s body that isn’t occupied by organs is filled with a _____.
36 While turbellaria are hermaphrodites, they don’t _____.
37 Most turbellaria’s natural habitat is _____.
38 Turbellaria expel all undigested food from their _____.
Questions 39, 40
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
39 Fission is the ability of
A two worms to grow out of one if you split it in the middle.
B flatworms to procreate by breaking into smaller flatworms.
C flatworms to regenerate organs they’ve lost.
40 Fission in flatworms is an important phenomenon for scientists because
A it might help them find a way to do the same to human cells.
B it has been found to put a break on the human aging process.
C it technically means that flatworms can live forever.
Answer Keys
Listening Section 1 1. Carleton 2. 020 8322 1479 3. 30th May 4. 30 5. mini burgers 6. vegetable croquettes 7. five hummus/houmous 8. goat’s cheese 9. 4 10. 303 | Listening Section 2 11. 2006 12. 500 13. siblings 14. be kind 15. writer’s block 16. C 17. C 18. B 19. inherently good 20. poverty |
Listening Section 3 21. C 22. H 23. A 24. F 25. B 26. A 27. B 28. A 29. C 30. D | Listening Section 4 31-33 IN ANY ORDER A, D, F 34. hide under stones 35. spongy connective tissue 36. reproduce alone 37. water 38. mouth 39. B 40. A |