FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 23 - EngExam.info
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FCE Use of English Part 4, Test 23

Answers and explanations

  1. Wish I had come. Here we want to express regret, therefore we choose to use the past perfect rather than the present perfect. That is why ‘I wish I came’ does not express the idea fully.
  2. Is included in the price. When something is included in the price, it means you get it as a part of the deal you pay for. Don’t forget to include the definite article.
  3. Expected this company to. The word ‘nobody’ at the beginning means that the rest of the sentence has to have a positive structure. Double negative structures are almost never used in English. Note that ‘seeing’ doesn’t mean that the changed sentence has to use a continuous tense.
  4. Forced to ask for. The meaning of ‘forced’ here should be taken literally. Instead, it means that they had no other choice and they had to ask for a different room.
  5. Is much more crowded than. Because we see the two words reordered in the second sentence, we have to change the comparative structure accordingly.
  6. Takes Paula at least. The structure shows how much time one needs to perform an action. A little bit on capitalisation in Use of English – in the exam paper, all letters have to be capitalised, so don’t worry about it too much.
  7. Maria turned it down. A phrasal verb is what we need here. ‘To turn something down’ means to choose not to take it, to refuse it.
  8. Would have come to. An example of the third conditional structure – an unreal result of an unreal action.
  9. To call me when she. The biggest issue here is that we have to change ‘as soon as’ structure as we run out of word limit if we choose to keep it. ‘When’ is a great substitute for it here!
  10. Are not allowed to camp. To permit something means to grant permission to do it.