FCE Use of English Part 2, Fishing in Florida Keys - EngExam.info
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FCE Use of English Part 2, Fishing in Florida Keys

Answers and explanations

  1. Of. All kinds (types) of sea creatures live in the coral reef.
  2. Year. If something happens all year round, it means that it takes place during the entire year, without any seasonal breaks.
  3. Like. We are giving examples of fish species here. Please note that the word cannot be ‘as’, because if would need to be a part of a structure like ‘such as’. In FCE Use of English Part 2 we can use no more than one word in the gap.
  4. Mind. When you keep something in mind, you pay attention to it or try not to forget it because it is important.
  5. Free. This phrasal verb might be new to a B2 level of students. To set somebody free means to let them go, to grant them freedom – this can be used to talk about captive animals or even people in the case of prisoners.
  6. So/That. ‘To fail to do something’ here does not mean that you try it and are unsuccessful. Instead, it means that you choose not to do it.
  7. Either. There is an ‘either … or …’ structure that can be easily spotted if you keep reading the sentence. Oftentimes, the task gets much easier if you take your time to finish the sentence, as in many cases, the context is crucial to understanding the missing word.
  8. Over. ‘Over the age of 16’ means 16 and older. Once again, context helps us understand that it is the younger visitors that do not require the license.