Take test 15 of FCE Use of English Part 2

FCE Use of English Part 2, Fishing in Florida Keys

Part 2

For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). In the exam, write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

Example: TO

Fishing in Florida Keys

Florida Keys is a large group of islands conveniently located 0 _____ the north of the Florida Reef. The coral reef is home to all kinds 9 sea creatures, including many species of fish. The latter is what attracts fishing enthusiasts from all across the globe. Additionally, the subtropical climate means that fishing is possible almost all 10 round with no particularly bad months.

Another advantage of its warmer climate is the biological variety of the region. This particular site is quite well-known for fish 11 trout, red snapper, and the famous tarpon, also known as the Silver King. Visitors are advised to keep in 12 that certain species of fish should be set 13 if caught, as they are protected by local regulations. Failing to do 14 will get you fined.

You can 15 bring your own fishing gear or rent all the necessary equipment when you arrive. The accommodation options vary to fit all budgets, but be prepared to pay slightly more than you normally would. Finally, everybody 16 the age of 16 has to purchase a fishing license, while younger fishing enthusiasts do not require one.

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