FCE Use of English Part 2, Moving out of the city - EngExam.info
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FCE Use of English Part 2, Moving out of the city

Part 2

For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). In the exam, write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

Example: HAD

Moving out of the city

When I was ten, my family decided that they have 0 _____ enough of living in the city, and moved to the countryside. The decision was almost spontaneous – we sold our flat and finished moving all during the summer school break. Four days and six roundtrips with a van full of our stuff was all it took to change our lives. But we needed much more time to get used 9 all the new things.

The biggest change was probably not having anyone living above or 10 you, like you normally would in a flat. This meant that we were free to make as 11 noise as we wanted without bothering anyone. For the first time ever, it felt nice not to be a nuisance to our neighbours. We also had a large piece of land all to 12 where we could play, not to mention that 13 noise and pollution were much lower here compared to the busy urban areas.

All these advantages, 14 , came with certain responsibilities. We had to cut grass, look 15 the house and generally keep the area well-maintained without depending on the city services. Still, our father believed that it was a small price to 16 for all the comforts of living an admittedly much more comfortable, fulfilling life in the country.

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