FCE Use of English Part 2, Pet shelter - EngExam.info
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FCE Use of English Part 2, Pet shelter

Answers and explanations

  1. Hands. If you take the matter in (or into) your own hands, you get yourself actively involved in it, especially if nobody else is willing to do it.
  2. Is. An example of a so-called ‘cleft sentence’ is here.
  3. Get. A variation of a passive form where the pet is the one who has an action done to it, in this case – getting adopted by a new owner.
  4. On. If you rely on something, it means that you depend on it and wouldn’t be able to do without it. Choosing the right preposition is a big part of Use of English Part 2 tasks.
  5. Well. We are introducing an additional example with the widely-known structure ‘as well as’ here.
  6. Of/In. A shortage of something (or someone) is a situation when not enough of it is available.
  7. Include. The duties include doing something. Please note that answering ‘Their duties are’ is incorrect because then the rest of the sentence would need to go like ‘Their duties are to do something’.
  8. Give. We need a phrasal verb here. If you give up, you stop doing something, especially because you haven’t been successful at it many times before.