FCE Use of English Part 1, Dollar Presidents - EngExam.info
FCE Use of English Part 1, Test 7

FCE Use of English Part 1, Dollar Presidents

Answer Keys

  1. B – few. The key here is to understand the difference between ‘a few’ and ‘few’. The first one means ‘some, a certain amount’. The other one has the meaning ‘not enough, low number/amount of’. ‘However’ introduced contrast with the previous sentence here: many people know something, but only few have real information on it. Because we need contrast, we can’t use anything but option B.
  2. C – to. When we talk about movement, either in space or time, we use preposition ‘to’.
  3. D – whose. We are pointing out possession here – something belongs to or is associated with somebody.
  4. D – held. ‘To hold a position’ is the only collocation that works in this context. ‘To work in a position’ is also possible, but there is no ‘in’ in the given context.
  5. C – contrary. ‘Contrary to the popular belief’ is a set expression and it means that the majority has the wrong idea about something. The idea of contrast is expressed through the word ‘though’.
  6. D – in. ‘To be gifted in something’ means to have particular talents in it. ‘To be gifted by something’ is to be given something by somebody (‘I was gifted this watch by my grandfather’). ‘To be gifted with’ is to have a particular talent, (‘Jane was gifted with the perfect ear for music’).
  7. D – gave. ‘To give birth’ is to create something. It does not have to literally mean biologically bringing something to life. Because of the word ‘birth’ being a part of the set phrase, other options do not fit.
  8. A – similarly. The word is used here to express the idea of sameness. ‘Equally’ is used to measure a degree of something, rather than a state (‘She is equally smart’). One person can be smarter or as smart as the other, but one cannot be more of a Founding Father – you either are a Founding Father or you are not.