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FCE Reading and Use of English Practice Test 24

Part 7

You are going to read an article about the activities organised by four schools for Environmental Awareness Day. For questions 43 – 52, choose from the options (A – D). The options may be chosen more than once.
Which school …

43. became better known after Environmental Awareness Day?
44. provided online information about the environment?
45. asked a specialist to give a talk?
46. raised money to help an organisation?
47. organised a trip to study animals by the sea?
48. is following changes in general weather conditions?
49. carried out a project about endangered animals and plants?
50. arranged a talk on pollution and local architecture?
51. decided to protect a local historical site?
52. is located in the centre of the city?

Environmental Awareness Day

A Plumpton High School
This school decided to arrange a variety of activities, some aimed at achieving a better understanding of environmental problems, and others designed to be of practical help. For instance, the school magazine brought out a special edition on the subject, full of articles and stories where pupils expressed their feelings about the threats facing our environment. In another attempt to find out for themselves how serious these threats really are, the pupils decided to study the problem of pollution by making a survey, run by the science department, into air pollution in the local shopping centre. The school also held a sponsored walk and handed over nearly £1000 to the World Wide Fund for Nature. Pupils prepared a campaign to ban cars from the city centre and reduce traffic congestion. They gained a lot of publicity for the school by cycling through the city and handing out brochures about the benefits of cycling and walking.

B Cresswell College
The staff and students at Cresswell College held a meeting and discussed a number of suggestions. The most popular suggestion turned out to be the most practical one; it was decided that the local environment should be brightened up. Teams were sent out to plant flowers and young trees on areas of land in the neighbourhood. Senior students monitored the progress of species threatened with extinction and prepared a report on their findings. It was hoped that this would help publicise the problem. A leading expert on wild birds was invited to come and give a talk about the dangers faced by these creatures. He explained the importance of the food chain and asked people to support local wildlife reserves.

C Grayner Institute
This school had already been involved in some projects connected with the environment, though naturally efforts were increased for Environmental Awareness Day. For the last two years the school had been studying the effects of variations in climatic patterns around the world and how these can affect wildlife. A film about those magnificent marine mammals, whales, which was shown to the whole school as part of Environmental Awareness Day, was received with great enthusiasm by pupils. Meredith Summers was invited to talk about how pollution can destroy buildings in the region. Following that, pupils decided to launch a campaign for the restoration of the medieval square in the city centre and asked local authorities to support them financially.

D Halliwell Academy
The pupils at this inner-city secondary school felt that the best way to mark Environmental Awareness Day would be to help people in the area understand how important the environment is to them. One suggestion that was greeted with enthusiasm was to measure the levels of noise in Stanley Road, a busy local shopping street. The information was then placed on a website that the school had started. In order to give them a chance to see for themselves the problems facing some local species, the school took pupils to the coastal marshes of Easton. Many pupils reported afterwards that they had never realised how terrible the effects of pollution could be on coastal wildlife.

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