FCE Reading and Use of English Practice Test 21 - EngExam.info
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FCE Reading and Use of English Practice Test 21

Part 6

You are going to read an article about wood. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-G the one which fits each gap (37-42). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 

From old-fashioned to high-tech

Wood has been recognised as a valuable resource for thousands of years. It has been used as a fuel and for making all kinds of things from buildings and furniture to paper and children’s toys. It is easy to produce, has many different uses and is sustainable. And now it seems it may become the super-material of the 21st century.

In the past, people chose to use wood because it was the strongest material available. However, in its natural form wood is far from perfect. 37 . These qualities meant it went out of fashion in the 20th century. Instead, architects chose concrete for buildings, which is cheap and lasts a long time. For smaller items, manufacturers preferred plastic as a lighter, cheaper alternative.

However, concrete and plastic both rely on using products made from oil, and making them produces large amounts of the gases which cause climate change. This is not sustainable, and scientists are now looking for greener alternatives, which is why they are turning back to wood. But this is not wood as we traditionally think of it. The new ‘modern’ wood is processed into an improved material by gluing together thin sheets of wood into large, flat pieces. 38 . It also has the advantage that it doesn’t burn.

As a result of these developments in wood technology, wooden buildings are now being put up all over the world and there is a race to build the world’s tallest wooden skyscraper. Candidates include the Mjosa Tower in Brumunddal, Norway. It is 85 metres high, with 18 storeys, and includes a hotel, private homes and offices. 39 .

In the future, wood could also be used instead of glass. Scientists in Sweden have found a way to remove the natural colour from wood. This process produces a strong, thin material, like glass, which you can see through. But it is a more sustainable material than glass, and is also good at keeping warmth inside buildings. 40 .

Even more exciting is the idea that wood might one day replace plastic. Sulapac, a company in Finland, is working on breaking wood down into the basic plant materials it is made of. They then mix this with glue that is made from other plants, to produce a material that looks very much like plastic. The company is hoping to start selling its environmentally friendly drinking straws soon. 41 . But, as they are made of wood, they will break down and disappear if they end up in the oceans. Similar wood-based materials could be used to make clothes, cars and even aeroplanes.

42 . This is due to a material processed from wood that can be made into very thin sheets which are extremely strong and allow electricity to pass through them. This makes it ideal to use in electronic devices. Some companies, including the American computer firm IBM, are already using this material in their computers and electronic products, and scientists believe its use will increase over the next few years. It seems the future might indeed be made of wood!

A. This means less energy is needed for heating, which is good for the environment.
B. They will look and feel like the ones we are used to.
C. This ‘hi-tech’ material is stronger than steel, yet also light and easy to work with.
D. It seems that wood has a lot more uses than we realised.
E. And wood could even move into the digital world.
F. It does not last very long, becomes weak when it gets wet and burns easily.
G. It is made mainly of wood, although there are some concrete parts to give increased stability. uses than we realised.

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