FCE Reading and Use of English Practice Test 19 - EngExam.info
FCE Reading and Use of English Test 19 with answer keys, explanations and vocabulary

FCE Reading and Use of English Practice Test 19

Part 4

For questions 25-30, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

0 ‘Where did you see dolphins in the wild?’ Willem enquired.
Willem ASKED ME WHERE I HAD seen dolphins in the wild.

25 ‘Do you know when the next cloudless night is?’ my brother asked.
My brother asked me the next cloudless night was.

26 ‘What time did Sofia leave this morning?’ asked Mack.
Mack wondered what time Sofia that morning.

27 ‘Don’t bother looking for the Northern Lights tonight’ Marta said.
Marta looking for the Northern Lights tonight.

28 ‘Please don’t make a mistake when you book our flights’ said Ben.
Andy asked Ben when he booked their flights.

29 ‘I’ve been doing some fascinating activities this year’ said Natalia.
Natalia told me that some interesting activities that year.

30 ‘Did you see any memorable sunsets on your trip?’ Philip asked.
Philip asked me any memorable sunsets on my trip.

For this task: Answers with explanations :: Vocabulary