FCE Reading and Use of English Practice Test 20 Printable - EngExam.info
FCE Reading Test 20 Printable with answer keys and vocabulary

FCE Reading and Use of English Practice Test 20 Printable

New, online version of this test :: Answer Keys :: Vocabulary

Part 1

For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (А, В, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

A naturalВ native C wildD indigenous

The migration of the monarch butterflies

The migration of millions of North American monarch butterflies is one of the most stunning 0 _____ phenomena on Earth. In 1 _____ to other members of the same species elsewhere, the North American species migrates far in winter, taking a journey that 2 _____ of 3000 miles. They 3 _____ off in Canada and the US, arrive in central Mexico in November, and return in March. The sight of them together in fir trees in Mexico is an incredible 4 _____ to witness.

However, none of the butterflies actually make the entire round trip. The females lay eggs in Mexico and it’s the new generation that heads north. They travel to Texas where the process is repeated. The butterflies have a 5 _____ to stop twice on their way back to Canada, meaning that it takes four generations to complete the trip.

Monarch butterflies are important because they pollinate plants. In 6 _____, they form a key part of the food chain. They also 7 _____ danger from disease and a loss of habitat. However, at 8 _____ their forest in Mexico is protected.

1contrastB differenceC variationD disagreement
2A involvesB consistsincludescounts
3startB departC launchD leave
4A stageB contextC spotD scene
5A habitB tendencyC trendD custom
6A additionB extensionC comparisonD conclusion
7A undergoB faceC sufferD take
8A bestB minimumC leastD part

Part 2

For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). In the exam, write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.
Example: THE

A sculptor’s home

I’m currently sitting outside La Villa des Brilliants, once 0 _____ home of well-known sculptor Auguste Rodin. Rodin purchased this property on the outskirts of Paris in 1895. By 1900, he 9 _____ turned it into a home and a studio where he worked until his death in 1917. As well as having around 50 assistants, Rodin 10 _____ regularly invite friends, family and art lovers to visit his studio.

The house has been a museum 11 _____ Rodin’s death. Photographs were used to renovate the house in the latter part of the last century, so now we can see exactly what it was 12 _____ when Rodin lived there. What’s special about coming here 13 _____ that we can see his most famous works of art, as well as 14 _____ a sense of his daily life. Rodin is buried in the grounds of the house, under a statue of The Thinker, one of his most well-loved pieces. Needless to 15 _____, this is a place where artists such as myself can pay respects to the man we look 16 _____ to.

Part 3

For questions 17-24, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0). In the exam, write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

Is regifting ever acceptable?

How would you feel if you spent time buying someone a gift and then found out that they went and gave it to someone else? Would you be happy that it had found a 0 _____ who wanted it, or would you think it was incredibly 17 _____? The act of regifting unwanted gifts is gaining in 18 _____. It keeps our homes tidy, saves waste and makes gift giving more 19 _____.

However, there are unwritten rules we should follow when regifting items that we’re 20 _____ with. We should avoid passing anything on that was made especially for us, even if we find it 21 _____. We should also take care not to forget the 22 _____ of the gift giver and accidentally give the gift back to them. Giving anyone the opportunity to discover their gift was unwanted is 23 _____ and allowing it to happen is 24 _____.


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