FCE Reading and Use of English Practice Test 16 - PDF and print-ready

FCE Reading and Use of English Practice Test 16 Printable

New, online version of this test :: Answer Keys :: Vocabulary

Part 1

For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (А, В, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

A referВ represent C indicateD mention

Off the beaten track

The expression ‘getting off the beaten track’ is used to 0 _____ to the experience of avoiding famous tourist attractions and choosing instead to explore less well-known places when travelling. For many people the whole 1 _____ of travel is to visit cities such as Paris or Venice that have a great 2 _____ as places of beauty and historic importance. Furthermore, they are not particularly 3 _____ by the crowds that are usually found in such locations. But for others who have more of a 4 _____ of adventure, a good holiday must 5 _____ unfamiliar experiences, even taking some risks.

Travelling off the beaten track may be done by some students who don’t 6 _____ to a rigid plan, but make decisions about what to do depending on how they feel. Other travellers prefer to spend money on guided tours to unusual locations. Such tours are designed to 7 _____ their particular needs, and all the arrangements are made for them. However people choose to get off the beaten track, the hope is always the same: to have a special, often unique 8 _____ of a different culture.

1worthB pointC aimD profit
2A favourB approvalreputationopinion
3botheredB interruptedC offendedD disturbed
4A feelingB impressionC moodD sense
5A possessB consistC involveD concern
6A fixB stickC fastenD attach
7A pleaseB fitC agreeD meet
8A experienceB understandingC awarenessD knowledge

Part 2

For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). In the exam, write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.
Example: WHETHER

Keep on learning!

It doesn’t matter 0 _____ you are still at school or in full-time employment, making the effort to learn new things is very important. Most of us have a few subjects on 9 _____ we focus. These may be associated 10 _____ our study or job, or sometimes a hobby. 11 _____ it is obviously important to develop a deep understanding of 12 _____ matters to us most, it is equally worthwhile to extend our range of knowledge beyond what we are familiar with, and that is true at 13 _____ age.

So the best advice is to find the time to 14 _____ on new challenges and learn new skills outside the areas where we feel most comfortable. People often choose subjects 15 _____ as new languages, computer skills, or painting. If you can’t get to a class, then you can go online. Online courses can easily 16 _____ found, and learning online means you put in as much time as you want each day.

Part 3

For questions 17-24, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0). In the exam, write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

The first coffee shops

There is some 0 _____ evidence to suggest that coffee was cultivated in Africa in the tenth century, but drinking coffee didn’t become 17 _____ in Europe until the mid-seventeenth century, with many visitors to London claiming that going to a coffee shop was one of the great 18 _____ of life. People paid an 19 _____ charge of one penny to enter a coffee shop, to enjoy the supposedly 20 _____ effects of the drink. Doctors at the time believed it could cure several diseases, and many drinkers reported that coffee made them more 21 _____ and improved their mood.

22 _____, a visit to a coffee shop had a serious purpose too, as people started to meet there to discuss politics and new ideas. Good behaviour was essential and if you were 23 _____, you could be thrown out of a shop. However, coffee shops in Europe declined in popularity in the late eighteenth century due to the greater 24 _____ of tea, a drink that was easier to make than coffee.


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