FCE Listening Practice Test 1 Printable - EngExam.info

FCE Listening Practice Test 1 Printable

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Part 1

You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A, В or C).

1. You hear a customer talking to a shop assistant about a coat she bought. What does she want?
A a different kind of item
В the same item but in a different size
C her money back

2. You hear a weather forecast on the radio. Tomorrow, the weather in the east of the country will be
A stormy in the morning.
В sunny in the afternoon.
C foggy in the evening.

3. You hear an office worker talking about cycling to work. What does she enjoy most about it?
A getting some exercise each morning
В avoiding the traffic into town
C thinking about the day ahead

4. You hear a radio announcer talking about a competition for writers of short stories. The man says that one of the rules is that
A you have to be over sixteen to enter.
В you can submit more than one entry.
C your entry must be emailed.

5. You hear a conversation about reading. The man enjoys reading books which
A have characters that remind him of people he knows.
В describe situations that he finds highly amusing.
C are set in places that he is unlikely ever to visit.

6. You hear two people talking about watching films on the Internet. What do they agree about?
A the advantages of buying films online
В the usefulness of reading film reviews
C the pleasure of watching films at home

7. You hear a woman at an airport talking on the phone. Why did she miss her flight?
A She was held up by traffic.
В There was a long queue at check-in.
C She went to the wrong terminal.

8. You hear a man talking about his new job. What attracted him to this job?
A the type of work
В the opportunities for promotion
C the salary offered

Part 2

You will hear an expert snowboarder called Brad Mitchell talking about the sport of extreme snowboarding. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.

Extreme snowboarding

Brad says there are no 9_______ to warn extreme snowboarders of dangers.
Brad advises snowboarders always to follow the 10_______ when descending.
Brad always wears a 11_______ when he goes into the mountains.
According to Brad, you need a lot of 12_______ to set off down the mountain.
Brad particularly enjoys doing several 13_______ when he is going down a slope.
Brad says at first he found it difficult to do a good 14_______ on steep slopes.
Brad says you must never 15_______ if you feel you’re about to fall.
Brad advises against putting your weight on your 16_______ in a fall.
Brad always carries a 17_______ in case he is in difficulty following a fall.
In the future, Brad would most like to try 18_______ snowboarding.

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