Test your knowledge of articles in English in this exercise.All the numbers in the answers refer the page describing various rules of articles.
- Remember girl who we met outside school yesterday? It was Amy, my girlfriend.
- beer is an alcoholic drink popular all over world.
- This is not coffee I asked you to buy.
- Pyrenees is the famous mountain range separating Spain from France.
- first time I went abroad was best experience of my life.
- If you can’t prove you have flu you will have to go to school tomorrow
- most people at work don’t even know my name.
- I exercise twice week. I wish I could do that more often but I can’t because of arthritis
- I live at Washington street, few block away down road.
- His name is John. In fact, he is John who came up with the new, hugely successful marketing strategy.
- third biggest country in the world is USA.
- Lake Baikal is one of biggest lakes in existence
- I am subscribed to Times Magazine and Sun newspaper.
- She knows how to sing and she also plays cello.
- University of Edinburgh is a prestigious establishment.