CAE Use of English Part 3, Test 3 – Hard science fiction -
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CAE Use of English Part 3, Test 3 – Hard science fiction

Answers and explanations

  1. Accuracy. The quality of being precise, lacking any mistakes or inconsistencies.
  2. Uneducated. Understanding that the negative prefix is needed is crucial here. The word ‘bombraded’ helps to convey the general mood of the sentence. Here it means that the authors want to avoid giving us too much difficult material, as it can discourage the reader.
  3. Lengthy. ‘Lengthy’ and ‘long’ are virtually the same in this context. Remember that the original word always needs to change. However, ‘lengthy’ can sometimes have a negative connotation, meaning ‘too long for its own good, in need of shortening’.
  4. Believable. Something that is realistic, something that you believe could take place in the real world.
  5. Speculative. To speculate is to make assumptions without any actual evidence. ‘Speculative’ in this context means making assumptions about the future that have no real ground in reality.
  6. Liking. A set expression – when something is to your liking, then you find it pleasant. This is mostly used to talk about preferences and opinions, something subjective rather than universally liked.
  7. Drawn. If a person is drawn to something, it means they find it naturally attractive, they gravitate towards it.
  8. Disenchanted. Feeling disenchanted with (or about) something is to no longer find it appealing or to lose interest in it.