CAE Use of English Part 3, Test 1 – Online dating -
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CAE Use of English Part 3, Test 1 – Online dating

Answers and explanations

  1. Variety. The indefinite article before the gap means that it has to be a noun. A variety of something means a wide selection of it. Note the vowel change at the end of the word!
  2. Popularisation/popularization. The act or practice of making something popular. We cannot use ‘popularasing’ as the answer here – first of all, it doesn’t work that well with ‘of’. Secondly, choosing the -ing noun/gerund forming suffix is normally discouraged in CAE Use of English Part 3.
  3. Limitation. A restriction. Lifting a limitation means getting rid of it.
  4. Basis. If you do something on a particular basis, you do it with a certain system in mind, e.g. ‘students for this programme were chosen on the basis of merit and academic performance’.
  5. Liberties. When you take liberties with something, you allow yourself not to strictly follow rules or guidelines that should be applied in the given situation. The absence of any article suggests either an uncountable or plural form of a noun.
  6. Height. Talking about how tall a person is, we use the word ‘height’. Be careful with spelling, as there is a vowel change in the middle. ‘Highness’ would obviously be the wrong answer – it is hardly used outside of royal titles (Your Highness, etc)
  7. Disclose. Disclosing something means making it a matter of public knowledge, especially if it has previously been a secret.
  8. True. An adjective derived from ‘truth’ requires some considerable changes – this is the only difficulty, as the word itself is easy to figure out.