CAE Use of English Part 2, Test 5 – The light bulb -
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CAE Use of English Part 2, Test 5 – The light bulb

Answers and explanations

  1. To. Resorting to something means choosing to do something because you have no other (better) options. If you resort to something, you do so unwillingly, because you have no choice.
  2. For/with. Both prepositions work in this context that shows that these people are acknowledged to be responsible for the invention that this text talks about.
  3. Takes. To take place is to happen – as easy as that. The only difficulty here is getting the tense right – make sure to use the present simple to maintain consistency with the rest of the sentence.
  4. For. ‘Because’ cannot work here, it needs a structure like ‘because of its’ to fit grammatically.
  5. By. When one thing or person gets ousted by another, it means that it is replaced by it. ‘Ousted with’ is not used and is therefore incorrect.
  6. Instead. Obviously, the idea is to produce light and not heat. However, the old design leads to energy going to generating heat instead of light.
  7. Without. ‘While’ here can fit grammatically, but the opposite is true – neither reliability, not light levels suffer from the switch to the new technology.
  8. Fact. As it turns out, the way things are. This sentence also helps us make the right choice in the previous gap. ‘As a matter of things’, ‘as a matter of truth’ do not make established phrases.