CAE Use of English Part 1, Test 2 – Cold climate -
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CAE Use of English Part 1, Test 2 – Cold climate

For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (А, В, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).


A go В take C have D pick

Cold climate

The common notion has always been that living in warmer climates is the choice to 0 go with. However, if you think of it, living in less welcoming climates can have its 1 .

To start with, colder regions also mean that much fewer insect species make it 2 harsh winter. Effectively, only the most 3 ones can survive in cold climate zones. You don’t get as many bigger insects, such as tarantulas or dangerous mosquitoes. Other dangerous animals like venomous snakes are unlikely to be a concern either.

Severe conditions are also known to 4 character. 5 , a person from northern parts of the world is usually more adapted to whatever challenges their life 6 at them. It makes sense if you keep in mind the weather conditions they have to endure, especially when growing up.

Moreover, 7 seasonality makes you appreciate summer more – not to mention you get to see the magnificent autumn colours – the reds and the yellows. Warmer climates usually cannot boast such variety. Therefore, all 8 considered, living in the colder part of the world might be just as good as anywhere else.

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