CAE Speaking Part 2 Cards - Set #11 (Collaboration; Advertising) -
CAE Speaking Part 2, Sample 11 - Collaborating; Advertising

CAE Speaking Part 2 Cards – Set #11 (Collaboration; Advertising)

CAE Speaking Part 2 sample questions with answers. If you want to print them or save in PDF, click the red icon at the bottom of this page.

Examiner: Here are your pictures, where people are shown working together. Compare two of the pictures and say how important it might be for the people to work together and how difficult it might be for them to work alone?

  • How important might it be for the people to work together?
  • How difficult might it be for them to work alone?

Candidate A:I’d like to speak about the right photo and the bottom one. In the first photo people are working in an office, evidently they are working on the same project. In the second photo people are at business lunch break, probably talking about some transactions or confirming a contract. While collaborating they can settle the disputes and reach just agreement, which is based on mutual interest. Working alone might entail various difficulties as the issue cannot be discussed from different points of view, as there is no second opinion to rely on.

Short-turn question: Who do you think benefits most from working with other people?

Candidate B:To my mind, it is photo at the bottom – these people seem to be brainstorming ideas and are in process of creating something. It is very advantageous if members of a team can interact with each other and look at the project from different angles.

Examiner: Here are the pictures. They show various approaches to advertising. Please compare two of the pictures and say what might be the advantages of advertising in these ways and how important it might be for these people?

  • What might be the advantages of advertising in these ways?
  • How important might it be for these people?

Candidate B:I’ve chosen a photo on the bottom and the one on the left. These two pictures convey the same idea of advertising. Just like the photo on the left, the bottom photo shows people who probably need to sell something, so they might want to draw people’s attention to it using slogans and pictures. Advertising is advantageous for them as they can benefit from it a lot. The bottom photo shows a family whose business is involved which makes advertising a priority, while in the second picture the man seems to be only a part of a huge campaign.

Short-turn question: Who do you think benefits most from the advertising?

Candidate A:In my opinion, it is a family in the bottom photo as they seem to be depending on it, probably they have a small family business and it is highly important for them to attract attention to their products or services.
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