CAE Reading and Use of English Practice Test 2 -
CAE Reafing and Use of English Test 2

CAE Reading and Use of English Practice Test 2


The vocabulary below is meant to help you with the more difficult words. If the word isn’t on the list then you are either supposed to know it or it is too specific to be worth learning and you don’t have to know it to answer the question. Symbols in brackets mean part of speech (see bottom of the list). Sentences in italics give examples of usage for some more complex words and phrases.
And remember — you are not given a vocabulary list (or a dictionary) at your real exam.

Part 1

Javelin (n) — a spear used as a thrown weapon.
Fame (n) — state of being known or recognised. His fame as a good doctor has spread all over the village overnight.
Wed (v) — to take someone as a husband (or wife).
Hail (v) — to greet or to call someone. He hailed me to get my attention.
Quote (v) — to recite (repeat) someone’s words. Joseph was really fond of quoting Marx.

Part 2

Odd (adj) — strange, unusual. There’s an odd smell in the room.
Umpteenth (adj) — repeated many times. I am telling you this for the umpteenth time — don’t touch my books!
For heaven’s sake — an interjection expressing annoyance at someone. Stop wasting my time for heaven’s sake!
Sheer (adj) — complete, absolute, extreme.
Onslaught (n) — a violent attack, a charge. After the onslaught, there were many dead bodies to be found.

Part 3

Jot down (phr v) — to write something down, usually quickly and in shorthand.
Compelling (adj) — convincing, arousing interest. There were a number of compelling reasons to take that job opportunity.

Part 4

Delay (n) — when something is put to a later date or time. The delay was caused by one of the workers getting injured.

Part 5

Subscribe to (v) — (here): to support or approve something. I am not going to subscribe to your foolish plan.
Explicit/implicit (adj) — one that is clearly and obviously expressed/one that is hinted at, not said directly. I told her, quite explicitly, that I want to join that picnic very much.
Assume (v) — (here): suppose, think that. I assume you didn’t bother taking your shoes off.
Performance (n) — quality or effectiveness of functioning. This car’s performance is astounding!
Contribution (n) — one’s share of efforts in a join affair. Your contribution to this scientific work is tremendous.
Reflect (v) — to express, to represent. In his picture he reflects the ideas of that time.
Manifest (v) — to show explicitly, to reveal, to display.
Consequently (adv) — as a result of something. He didn’t pass his exam and consequently was expelled from the university.
Reject (v) — to refuse, to throw out as useless. The stones that are rejected by the builders are then ground into dust.
Intent (n) — same as intention. Plan or will to do something.
Reckless (adj) — without thinking of dangers or consequences, inconsiderate. Reckless driving is a serious offence.
Implement (v) — to put into action. It could be hard to implement your ideas in our work.
Hollow (adj) — empty inside, without substance.
Assessor (n) — a person who assesses or evaluates something, e.g. a teacher assesses the performance of a student.

Part 6

Relatively (adj) — in comparison or relation to something or someone else. This car is relatively affordable.
Abound (v) — to be in abundance (in great number). These wares are abound at every shop.
Like-minded (adj) — having similar views, thoughts or ideas. You can find like-minded people in hobby clubs.
Appealing (adj) — attractive, pleasing. Her appealing looks made her popular among friends and family alike.
Naive (adj) — a naive person is easy to fool; gullible. Don’t be so naive, he’s clearly trying to get some money from us.
Impose (v) — to force. The imposed laws of this country are rather scary.
Enterprise (n) — a bold project; a business. That is a rather risky enterprise you’re suggesting!
Possession (n) — any material object that you own. Renounce your possessions to feel better, they said.
Mundane (adj) — dull and boring, uninteresting.
Commodify (v) — make something a commodity (a sales goods). The companies commodified my favourite book — now you can buy small figures of characters, t-shirt, even a life-sized model of the author.
Proliferate (v) — to grow, to reproduce rapidly.
Contemporary (adj) — related to the same time period, living in the same age.
Ridiculous (adj) — absurd, laughable or preposterous. Their business proposition is ridiculous — there is no way I’m going to take it!
Overblown (adj) — overdone, excessive. The rumours about the president resigning are overblown.
Significance (n) — importance. The significance of the new migration policy can’t be overestimated.

Part 7

Watercolour (n) — water-based paint. This watercolour painting dates back to the 18th century.
Suffuse (v) — to spread over something, to cover, to fill.
Long (v) — want something very much. Oh, how I long for another glass of that delicious milk.
Threat (n) — danger.
Branches (n) — secondary wooden stems of a tree.
Self-conscious (adj) — embarrassed.
Exhibition (n) — public display of things such as works of art, animals, cars.
Overnight (adv) — happening over a course of one night, suddenly. Overnight, his face has changed completely.
Emigre (n, french) — an emigrant.
Squashed (adj) — cramped, small in volume. A cheap, squashed apartment on the edge of town.
Inimitable (adj) — impossible to imitate or duplicate. Unique.
Harsh (adj) — rough, severe or cruel. This country is well-known for its harsh winters and dry, pleasant autumns.
Murky (adj) — gloomy, dark or covered with fog.
Overwhelm (v) — to overpower, to affect with irresistible strength. The larger army overwhelmed the small squad and beat them to the ground.
Debt (n) — amount of money you owe and should pay to someone. Can also be used figuratively: You saved me from certain death, I’m in your debt now.
Distort (v) — twist and pull out of shape.
Guise (n) — external appearance, form.

Part 8

Plummet (v) — to go down rapidly. The oil prices plummeted in 2014.
Pattern (n) — a certain style or design. The flowers on the wall all followed an intricate pattern.
Handful (adj) — small number or amount. Only a handful of people came to see the show.
Subsequent (adj) — taking place after something. The subsequent shows were much more popular.
Confine to(v) —to limit or restrict.
Sedentary (adj) — characterised by sitting. A sedentary lifestyle is very harmful for one’s health.
Susceptible (adj) — vulnerable to, easily affected by. She is susceptible to alcohol.
Calamitous (adj) — disastrous, with serious consequences.
Overarching (adj) — all-encompassing, overall.
Mild (adj) — soft, moderate, not strong. European countries mostly have rather mild climates.
Donate (v) — give something free of charge.
Incremental (adj) — increasing gradually.
Perch (n) — pole or any other resting place for birds.

n — noun; v — verb; phr v — phrasal verb; adj — adjective; adv — adverb