CAE Reading and Use of English Practice Test 16 -
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CAE Reading and Use of English Practice Test 16

CAE Reading and Use of English Part 6

You are going to read four reviews of a documentary about decision fatigue. For questions 37-40, choose from the reviews A-D. The reviews may be chosen more than once.

In two minds?

Decision-making is something everyone has to do, every hour, every day of their lives, so a programme that explains what can affect our ability to do this was both educational and potentially helpful for those who watched it. The idea that our brains only have a limited amount of energy to use on decisions was well-explained through a carefully planned and well-filmed sequence of interviews and podcasts from the general public, although I have to say that some of the claims weren’t really backed up by any real evidence. It was neither too serious nor too light, and I am sure it will be of help to many people, who, like myself, sometimes leave things like essay writing until late in the evening and then sit looking at a blank screen for ages! I know full well that if I leave it until the next day, the same task will take a fraction of the time. I shall definitely try to alter my work pattern.

It had been billed as a documentary that could change the whole way we approach decision making, and was produced by an excellent team. As a result, I was expecting something rather special and I have to admit that it didn’t disappoint. The attention to detail was impeccable. I followed up some of their survey sources on line and they were totally accurate, which cannot be said of all documentaries! As a writer, my whole day is spent making decisions of varying complexity and importance, and I know that late in the day I can struggle to come up with ideas. The documentary underlined very clearly, through a series of well-linked and logical stages, why this happens and I, personally, shall definitely take on board many of the suggestions. It will be interesting to hear what else they mention in the next programmes. However, I would say that most people are so settled in their own ways that although they may initially profess interest in the ideas put forward, they will eventually fall back into old routines.

I’d heard about decision fatigue before watching the documentary, possibly because it had come up on a news programme at some point, and I found the idea intriguing. However, I don’t think the programme told us anything that was very new, and certainly not life-changing for anyone. In my opinion, the fact that our brains get worse at making decisions as the day goes on, seems to me pretty logical. On the other hand, I was impressed by the way the documentary was put together, and I think the producers got the basic ideas across very well with some pretty sound statistics to back up their theories, in an entertaining way. The lack of an original approach has, unfortunately, put me off watching the rest of the series, although I can understand why other viewers might think differently.

It’s quite incredible that we take so many things that our brains do for granted. Last night’s excellent documentary on decision fatigue was a case in point, and I am definitely looking forward to the next instalment. It appears that after a lengthy period of making choices our ability to weigh up pros and cons wanes and we end up taking the easiest and often most reckless options. Apparently, when the mental energy required to make decisions is depleted, so too are our self-control and our willpower. So, that’s why we shouldn’t make important decisions or go on line shopping late at night – note to self! Great documentary, in spite of all the very technical bits, which I think should have come at the end, rather than the beginning.

Which reviewer …

37 has a different opinion from the others about the way the documentary was structured?
38 shares C’s attitude to the credibility of the research for the documentary?
39 has a different view to B regarding the impact on viewers’ habits?
40 expresses a different opinion to D regarding their anticipation of a subsequent programme?

For this task: Answers with explanations :: Vocabulary