CAE Reading and Use of English Practice Test 3 Printable -
CAE Reading and Use of English Practice Test 3 Printable and PDF version

CAE Reading and Use of English Practice Test 3 Printable

CAE Reading and Use of English Part 4

For questions 25-30, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

0 I didn’t know the way there, so I got lost.

Not _____________________ there, I got lost.

25 I’ve been too busy to answer my emails, but I’ll do it soon.
I _____________________ my emails yet, but I’ll do it soon.

26 The ambulance came within minutes.
It _____________________ before the ambulance came.

27 Experts say that things are bound to improve.
Experts say that there is _____________________ better.

28 Jake was the person who started my interest in collecting pottery.
It _____________________ in collecting pottery.

29 He really wanted to impress the interviewers.
He _____________________the interviewers a good impression.

30 Because he was injured he couldn’t play in the next game.
His ____________________ in the next game.

CAE Reading and Use of English Part 5

You are going to read an extract from a novel. For questions 31-36, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

Thirty or so years after he arrived in London, Chanu decided that it was time to see the sights. “All I saw was the Houses of Parliament. And that was in 1979.” It was a project. Much equipment was needed. Preparations were made. Chanu bought a pair of shorts which hung just below his knees. He tried them on and filled the numerous pockets with a compass, guidebook, binoculars, bottled water, maps and two types of disposable camera. Thus loaded, the shorts hung at mid-calf. He bought a baseball cap and wore it around the flat with the visor variously angled up and down and turned around to the back of his head. A money belt secured the shorts around his waist and prevented them from reaching his ankles. He made a list of tourist attractions and devised a star rating system that encompassed historical significance, something he termed ‘entertainment factor’ and value for money. The girls would enjoy themselves. They were forewarned of this requirement.

On a hot Saturday morning towards the end of July the planning came to fruition. “I’ve spent more than half my life here,” said Chanu, “but I’ve hardly left these few streets.” He stared out of the bus windows at the grimy colours of Bethnal Green Road. “All this time I have been struggling and struggling, and I’ve barely had time to lift my head and look around.”

They sat at the front of the bus, on the top deck. Chanu shared a seat with Nazneen, and Shahana and Bibi sat across the aisle. Nazneen crossed her ankles and tucked her feet beneath the seat to make way for the two plastic carrier bags that contained their picnic. “You’ll stink the bus out,” Shahana had said. “I’m not sitting with you.” But she had not moved away.

“It’s like this,” said Chanu, “when you have all the time in the world to see something, you don’t bother to see it. Now that we are going home, I have become a tourist”. He pulled his sunglasses from his forehead onto his nose. They were part of the new equipment.

He turned to the girls. “How do you like your holiday so far?” Bibi said that she liked it very well, and Shahana squinted and shuffled and leaned her head against the side window.

Chanu began to hum. He danced with his head, which wobbled from side to side, and drummed out a rhythm on his thigh. The humming appeared to come from low down in his chest and melded with the general tune of the bus, vibrating on the bass notes.

Nazneen decided that she would make this day unlike any other. She would not allow this day to disappoint him.

The conductor came to collect fares. He had a slack-jawed expression: nothing could interest him. “Two at one pound, and two children, please,” said Chanu. He received his tickets. “Sightseeing,” he announced, and flourished his guidebook. “Family holiday.”

“Right,” said the conductor. He jingled his bag, looking for change. He was squashed by his job. The ceiling forced him to stoop.

“Can you tell me something? To your mind, does the British Museum rate more highly than the National Gallery? Or would you recommend the gallery over the museum?”

The conductor pushed his lower lip out with his tongue. He stared hard at Chanu, as if considering whether to eject him from the bus.

“In my rating system,” explained Chanu, “they are neck and neck. It would be good to take an opinion from a local.”

“Where’ve you come from, mate?”

“Oh, just two blocks behind,” said Chanu. “But this is the first holiday for twenty or thirty years.”

The conductor swayed. It was still early but the bus was hot and Nazneen could smell his sweat. He looked at Chanu’s guidebook. He twisted round and looked at the girls. At a half-glance he knew everything about Nazneen, and then he shook his head and walked away.

31 In what sense was the sightseeing trip a ‘project’?
A Chanu felt a duty to do it.
В It was something that Chanu had wanted to do for a long time.
C Chanu took it very seriously.
D It was something that required a good deal of organisation.

32 The descriptions of Chanu’s clothing are intended to
A show how little he cared about his appearance.
В create an impression of his sense of humour.
C create amusing visual images of him.
D show how bad his choice of clothes always was.

33 Chanu had decided to go on a sightseeing trip that day because
A he regretted the lack of opportunity to do so before.
В he felt that it was something the girls ought to do.
C he had just developed an interest in seeing the sights.
D he had grown bored with the area that he lived in.

34 As they sat on top of the bus,
A Nazneen began to regret bringing so much food with them.
В the girls felt obliged to pretend that they were enjoying themselves.
C Chanu explained why he had brought the whole family on the trip.
D the family members showed different amounts of enthusiasm for the trip.

35 When Chanu showed him the guidebook, the conductor
A made it clear that he wanted to keep moving through the bus.
В appeared to think that Chanu might cause a problem.
C initially pretended not to have heard what Chanu said.
D felt that he must have misunderstood what Chanu said.

36 What was strange about Chanu’s use of the word ‘local’?
A It was not relevant to the places he was asking about.
В It could equally have been applied to him.
C He was not using it with its normal meaning.
D He had no reason to believe it applied to the conductor.

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2 thoughts on “CAE Reading and Use of English Practice Test 3 Printable”

  1. I wish you could print the whole test in one click and not having to save and print every page individually 🙁

  2. Hey Olaffo! Hopefully I will get to do that soon. I am ditching the ‘printfriendly’ function and instead going with PDFs. Unfortunately it takes a lot of time with the sheer number of tests available.
    [EDIT] I have added downloadable PDFs to corresponding pages, hopefully you guys will find this useful

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