CAE Listening Practice Test 16 -
CAE Listening Practice Test 16

CAE Listening Practice Test 16

CAE Listening Part 3

You will hear part of a radio interview with the comedian, Lenny Henry. For questions 15-20, choose the answer (А, В, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear.

15 Why did Lenny decide to do a degree?
A He was self-conscious because he didn’t have one.
B Other actors persuaded him that it was a good idea.
C He needed one to further his acting career.
D He was impressed by other actors who had been to university.

16 What effect has studying for a degree had on Lenny?
A It has developed his ability to think more clearly about his work in general.
B It has made him think more seriously about his career.
C It has given him the confidence to try for more challenging acting roles.
D It causes him a lot of stress when he has to write an essay.

17 According to Lenny, how does comedy affect the way people feel?
A It hinders their appreciation of the seriousness of a situation.
B It helps them deal with disturbing images.
C It makes people more sensitive.
D It enables them to laugh at heartbreaking stories.

18 What does Lenny say about the work of Comic Relief in Africa?
A People in Africa now have new ways of raising money for themselves.
B The task they are facing is too big for them to make a real difference.
C People aren’t committed enough yet to the cause.
D It should be a steady process to help the local communities.

19 What does Lenny say about his visit to Debre Zeit?
A He enjoyed working as a care worker for a while.
B He was impressed by Fanti’s bravery despite his illness.
C He was moved by the way the people there handled their situation.
D He was impressed by the way Fanti praised comic Relief.

20 What does Lenny say about writing comedy?
A He hopes that he will soon be a more self-confident writer.
B He finds it really easy since starting his degree.
C He doesn’t think he’ll ever have the confidence to write something on his own.
D He no longer likes working with other writers.

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