CAE Listening Practice Test 4 Printable -
CAE Listening Practice Test 4 Printable and PDF version

CAE Listening Practice Test 4 Printable

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Part 1

Audio Player

You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, В or C) which fits best according to what you hear. There are two questions for each extract.

Extract One
You hear part of a radio discussion about a football team

1 What impresses the man about the player called John Elliott?
A He is able to keep calm when he gets near the goal area.
В He is good at preventing the opponents from scoring.
C He can score many goals given the right conditions.

2 What do the two speakers disagree about?
A the inflated price paid for the new player
В the new player’s long-term prospects in the team
C the manager’s previous mistakes when purchasing players

Extract Two
You hear part of a radio interview with Deanna Carriconde, who has just won a prize for her environmental work in South America

3 Deanna thinks the underlying cause o f the ecosystem changes she mentions is
A overfishing by industrial fisheries.
В increased local sea temperatures.
C growth o f predator populations in the area.

4 How do the local fishermen feel about Deanna’s work now?
A unhappy about sharing their catch with marine creatures she protects
В pleased that she has prevented industrial exploitation o f anchovies
C optimistic about the prospect o f catching better quality fish

Extract Three
You hear part of a radio programme about books and reading.

5 Why did the woman read the book she describes?
A It was an unexpected gift.
В She came across it by chance.
C It was recommended to her.

6 What did the book help her to understand?
A how strange the world is
В how enjoyable stories can be
C how she could become a writer

Part 2

Audio Player

You will hear part of a radio programme about cherries, small fruit which grow on trees For questions 7-14, complete the sentences.


The speaker gives the examples of 7 ________ as a crop being replaced by cherries.
To protect young trees from extremes of weather, a ________ may be used.
Cherries are prone to cracking because there is hardly any ________ on the skin of the fruit.
The speaker compares the cherry to a 10 ________ when explaining the effect of rain on the fruit.
Shoppers are advised to purchase cherries which have a 11 ________ stem and look fresh and tasty.
The traditional view was that cherries need up to 12 ________ before they produce a useful crop.
The most popular new variety of cherry tree among farmers has the name 13 ________.
While picking cherries, keep a 14 ________ in your mouth to stop you eating too many.
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