CAE Listening Practice Test 22 Printable -
CAE Listening Practice Test 22 printable

CAE Listening Practice Test 22 Printable

Part 3

Audio Player

You will hear a radio discussion about writing a novel. For questions 15-20, choose the answer (А, В, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear.

15 What does Louise think about Ernest Hemingway’s advice on writing?
A It can be useful to some degree.
B Only amateur writers should follow it.
C The advice was meant as a joke.
D The advice can mislead aspiring writers.

16 Louise believes that getting feedback is important when you
A are experiencing a writer’s block.
B are struggling with structuring your writing properly.
C are unsure of the quality of your own writing.
D finish your book and need an opinion on it.

17 Louise states that getting feedback from a colleague is important because
A non-writers’ opinion can be hard to take seriously.
B a writer can be less harsh with their criticism.
C others can be reluctant to help with such thing.
D a writer can understand the real purpose of your work.

18 For Louise, what does good feedback mean?
A both general and detailed observations on the content
B identifying problematic aspects as well as suggesting ways to overcome them
C feedback that mostly focuses on the stylistic part of the writing
D an extensive list of good and bad points

19 What does Louise say about the people she gets feedback from?
A They shouldn’t be more skilled than you.
B She prefers not to talk about her texts.
C They exchange feedback.
D Collaborating with them can be difficult.

20 Louise says that sometimes feedback can be
A justified but difficult to implement.
B mostly about irrelevant details of the story.
C can be quite offensive.
D too hurtful and is therefore better to be ignored.

Part 4

Audio Player

You will hear five short extracts in which people share their experience of attending an event.

For questions 21-25, choose from the list A-H the event each speaker is talking about.

For questions 26-30, choose from the list A-H what happened
according to each speaker.

A a concert
B a meeting
C a birthday party
D a school reunion
E a funeral
F a leaving party
G a wedding
H a demonstration

Speaker 1 21 [ ]

Speaker 2 22 [ ]

Speaker 3 23 [ ]

Speaker 4 24 [ ]

Speaker 5 25 [ ]

A it wasn’t well-attended
I hardly knew anyone
It ended early
I was treated badly
there was an argument
I left before the end
everyone enjoyed themselves
I couldn’t focus on the event
Speaker 1 26[ ]

Speaker 2 27[ ]

Speaker 3 28[ ]

Speaker 4 29[ ]

Speaker 5 30[ ]

Answer Keys

Part 1
1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. C

Part 2
7. struggles 8. gossip 9. sophistication 10. special occasions
11. anecdotes/funny stories 12. oral accounts 13. careers 14. scientific procedures

Part 3
15. A 16. C 17. D 18. B 19. C 20. A

Part 4
21. G 22. D 23. B 24. F 25. A
26. E 27. G 28. C 29. A 30. H
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