CAE Use of English Part 3, Test 3 – Hard science fiction -
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CAE Use of English Part 3, Test 3 – Hard science fiction

CAE Reading and Use of English Part 3

For questions 17-24, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Hard science fiction

We are all familiar with the genre of science fiction – its 0 SETTING is usually the distant future, and space travel is often a big part of it. Now, hard science fiction might sound new. The ‘hard’ part means that this genre focuses on 17 and keeping scientific basis in mind, at times putting it above literary and entertainment values.

However, like any other work of fiction, it still has to retain the fun component. The author does not want the reader to feel 18 by bombarding them with complex terminology or 19 technical descriptions. Instead, the focus shifts to 20 yet exciting world of the future, without straying away from the theoretically possible towards overly 21 . The genre also sets out to educate us – to explain things in a detailed, but also accessible way.

Some might consider this genre niche – that is, it might not be to everybody’s 22 . The reason for that is exactly the same as why so many people feel 23 to it – immaculate attention to detail, even if it has to come at the expense of fun. So if you have grown 24 with endless stories of time travel and teenagers zooming around in alien space crafts, then the hard fiction genre might be just the thing you were looking for.

0. SET
22. LIKE
23. DRAW

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